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The meaning of Ciphers


Ciphers – definition


A secret or disguised way of writing; a code.

Usage examples:

He wrote cryptic notes in a cipher

A zero; a figure 0.

Usage examples:

From nine years observations, at cincinnati, it appears that the thermometer falls below cypher twi…

A monogram.

Usage examples:

A pair of rock crystal goblets engraved with the cipher of peter the great

A continuous sounding of an organ pipe, caused by a mechanical defect.


Put (a message) into secret writing; encode.

Usage examples:

He left two, as yet uncracked, ciphered messages for posthumous decoding

Do arithmetic.

Usage examples:

Many people in the community were illiterate, having little need for education beyond simple cipher…

(of an organ pipe) sound continuously.


A system of writing that most people cannot understand, so that the message is secret; a code

Usage examples:

We spent a lot of time figuring out the enemy’s cipher., in the hands of a lesser actor, the role c…

Ciphers translation into English

Ciphers: translate from English into Chinese

Translate ciphers into Chinese (Simplified)}
密码, 暗号, 零, 计算, 做暗号

Ciphers: translate from English into Dutch

Translate ciphers into Dutch}
Cijfers, Cijfer, Nul, Cijferschrift, Nummer, Cijferen, Rekenen, Monogram, Naamcijfer, Sleutel van cijferschrift, Berekenen

Ciphers: translate from English into French

Translate ciphers into French}
Chiffres, Chiffrer, Zéro, Code secret, Calculer, Message chiffré, Chiffre arabe

Ciphers: translate from English into German

Translate ciphers into German}
Chiffren, Chiffre, Ziffer, Schlüssel, Zahl, Statist

Ciphers: translate from English into Hindi

Translate ciphers into Hindi}
सिफर, सिफ़र, गूढ़लेख, संकेताक्षर, शून्य, सांकेतिक शब्दों में बदलना, नगण्य व्यक्ति, दाग़ लगाना, लेखा लगाना, शून्य का अंक, बीज लेख, हिसाब लगाना, दाग़ करना, निकम्मी औरत, निकम्मा व्यक्ति, दाग़ बनाना

Ciphers: translate from English into Italian

Translate ciphers into Italian}
Cifrari, Cifra, Zero, Monogramma

Ciphers: translate from English into Korean

Translate ciphers into Korean}
암호, 열쇠, 영, 저절로 울리다, 자명, 변변치 않은 물건, 아라비아 숫자, 변변치 않은 사람, 머릿 글자를 짜맞춘 글자, 운산하다, 암호를 쓰다, ...을 계산하다, ...을 생각해 내다, 암호로 하다, 암호로 쓰다

Ciphers: translate from English into Russian

Translate ciphers into Russian}
Шифры, Шифр, Шифровать, Зашифровывать, Нуль, Ноль, Ничтожество, Высчитывать, Вычислять, Монограмма, Арабская цифра

Ciphers: translate from English into Spanish

Translate ciphers into Spanish}
Cifrados, Cifrar, Cifra, Clave, Código, Cero, Hacer cifra

Word origin

late 18th century: perhaps from cipher1.

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