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The meaning of Cabals


Cabals – definition


A secret political clique or faction.

Usage examples:

A cabal of dissidents

A small group of people who plan secretly to take action, especially political action

Usage examples:

He was assassinated by a cabal of aides within his own regime.

Cabals translation into English

Cabals: translate from English into Chinese

Translate cabals into Chinese (Simplified)}
阴谋集团, 阴谋, 帮派, 朋党, 策划阴谋

Cabals: translate from English into Dutch

Translate cabals into Dutch}
Kliekjes, Kliek, Kabaal, Intrige, Partij, Afspreken

Cabals: translate from English into French

Translate cabals into French}
Cabales, Cabale, Clique, Intrigue

Cabals: translate from English into German

Translate cabals into German}
Kabalen, Kabale, Clique, Intrige, Kamarilla, Komplott, Ränke, Ränke schmieden

Cabals: translate from English into Hindi

Translate cabals into Hindi}
कैबल्स, चालबाज़ी, चालबाज़ी करना, साज़िश करना, साज़िश

Cabals: translate from English into Italian

Translate cabals into Italian}
Cabale, Cabala, Cricca, Complotto, Intrigo, Conventicola

Cabals: translate from English into Korean

Translate cabals into Korean}
도당, 음모, 음모를 꾸미다

Cabals: translate from English into Russian

Translate cabals into Russian}
Заговоры, Интрига, Группа заговорщиков, Политическая клика, Интриговать, Политический маневр, Вступать в заговор, Кабальный совет

Cabals: translate from English into Spanish

Translate cabals into Spanish}
Cábalas, Cábala, Camarilla, Intriga, Cabildeo, Realizar intriga

Word origin

late 16th century (denoting the Kabbalah): from French cabale, from medieval Latin cabala (see Kabbalah).

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