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The meaning of Billow

Billow – definition


A large undulating mass of something, typically cloud, smoke, or steam.

Usage examples:

Flying in across a track of pearl and gold laid by the setting sun across the atlantic, i watched t…



(of fabric) fill with air and swell outwards.

Usage examples:

Her dress billowed out around her

To spread over a large area, or (esp. of items made of cloth) to become filled with air and appear to be larger

Usage examples:

The building is draped in blue plastic sheeting that flaps and billows like a sail., billows of smoke

Billow translation into English

Billow: translate from English into Chinese

Translate billow into Chinese (Simplified)}
巨浪, 浪, 翻腾, 波浪, 大浪, 澜, 涛

Billow: translate from English into Dutch

Translate billow into Dutch}
Golven, Golfslag, Opzwellen, Zee, Baar

Billow: translate from English into French

Translate billow into French}
Onduler, Se gonfler, Tournoyer, Grosse vague, Les flots

Billow: translate from English into German

Translate billow into German}
Woge, Wogen, Bauschen, Blähen, Sich aufbauschen, Schwaden, Sich blähen

Billow: translate from English into Hindi

Translate billow into Hindi}
तरंग, लहराना, बड़ी लहर, महातरंग, सागर, समुद्र, ध्वनि, सेना या अन्य वस्तु जो लहर की तरह चले

Billow: translate from English into Italian

Translate billow into Italian}
Ondeggiare, Flutto

Billow: translate from English into Korean

Translate billow into Korean}
부풀다, 큰 물결, 부풀게 하다, 크게 굽이치다, 소용돌이치는 것

Billow: translate from English into Russian

Translate billow into Russian}
Вздыматься, Вал, Большая волна, Лавина, Море, Вздыматься волнами, Волноваться

Billow: translate from English into Spanish

Translate billow into Spanish}
Ola, Oleada, Hincharse, Ondular

Word origin

mid 16th century: from Old Norse bylgja .

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