Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Bib

Bib – definition


A piece of cloth or plastic fastened round a child's neck to keep its clothes clean while eating.

Usage examples:

He removed the grey bib from around my neck and handed me a piece of white tissue.

A common european inshore fish of the cod family.

Usage examples:

Diving with his camera gear, assistants and lighting equipment, francis was staggered by the number…

Drink (something alcoholic).

Usage examples:

After a considerable amount of wine-bibbing, i settled down

A cover made of cloth or plastic that is worn by young children when eating to prevent their clothes from getting dirty

Bib translation into English

Bib: translate from English into Chinese

Translate bib into Chinese (Simplified)}
围兜, 狂饮

Bib: translate from English into Dutch

Translate bib into Dutch}
Slabbetje, Borststuk, Drinken, Pimpelen

Bib: translate from English into French

Translate bib into French}
Bavoir, Bavette, Boire

Bib: translate from English into German

Translate bib into German}
Lätzchen, Latz, Sabberlätzchen

Bib: translate from English into Hindi

Translate bib into Hindi}
अकसर पीना, बिब, छोटा कपड़ा जो बच्चों की छाती पर कपड़ों को गंदा होने से बचाने के लिए लगा दिया जाता है

Bib: translate from English into Italian

Translate bib into Italian}
Pettorina, Bavaglino

Bib: translate from English into Korean

Translate bib into Korean}
턱받이, 짤끔짤끔 계속해서 마시다

Bib: translate from English into Russian

Translate bib into Russian}
Нагрудник, Детский нагрудник, Квасить, Пить, Пьянствовать, Верхняя часть фартука

Bib: translate from English into Spanish

Translate bib into Spanish}
Babero, Peto

Word origin

late Middle English: probably from Latin bibere ‘to drink’.

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