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The meaning of Beat up


Beat up – definition

phrasal verb

Give a beating to

phrasal verb

Assault and injure someone by hitting, kicking, or punching them repeatedly.

Usage examples:

They threatened to beat him up if he didn't hand over the money
phrasal verb

To hit someone hard and repeatedly

Usage examples:

Two people were arrested for beating up that man., he drove an old, beat-up station wagon.

Beat up translation into English

Beat up: translate from English into Chinese

Translate beat up into Chinese (Simplified)}
殴打, 毒打, 殴

Beat up: translate from English into Dutch

Translate beat up into Dutch}
In elkaar slaan, Klutsen, Opjagen

Beat up: translate from English into French

Translate beat up into French}
Tabasser, Frapper, Rouer, Fouetter

Beat up: translate from English into German

Translate beat up into German}
Verprügeln, Verhauen, Vermöbeln, Zusammenschlagen, Verdreschen, Zusammenhauen

Beat up: translate from English into Hindi

Translate beat up into Hindi}
पीटना, फेंटना

Beat up: translate from English into Italian

Translate beat up into Italian}
Picchiare, Malmenare, Conciare

Beat up: translate from English into Korean

Translate beat up into Korean}
두들겨 패다, 마구 때려주다, 때려서 뻗게 하다, 차버리다, 기습하다, 모으다, 몹시 휘젓다, 바람을 거슬러 헤쳐 나아가다

Beat up: translate from English into Russian

Translate beat up into Russian}
Избивать, Взбить, Вербовать, Отколотить, Зверски избивать, Взбивать

Beat up: translate from English into Spanish

Translate beat up into Spanish}
Batir, Dar una paliza, Aporrear, Reclutar, Asegurar, Atraer

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