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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Ball-up

Ball-up – definition

phrasal verb

Make a mess of, destroy or ruin


A method of starting or restarting play (as at the beginning of a quarter, after a goal has been scored, or following certain penalties) in which the ball is thrown (or bounced) into the air by the umpire and players on opposing teams attempt to gain possession. also as interjection: calling for a restart of this type.

phrasal verb

To form into the shape of a ball

Usage examples:

The ants' nest survives floods by balling up around the queen and rolling until it reaches somethin…

Ball-up translation into English

Ball-up: translate from English into Chinese

Translate ball-up into Chinese (Simplified)}

Ball-up: translate from English into Dutch

Translate ball-up into Dutch}
Bal omhoog

Ball-up: translate from English into French

Translate ball-up into French}

Ball-up: translate from English into German

Translate ball-up into German}
Ball auf

Ball-up: translate from English into Hindi

Translate ball-up into Hindi}
ऊपर बाल करें

Ball-up: translate from English into Italian

Translate ball-up into Italian}
Palla in su

Ball-up: translate from English into Korean

Translate ball-up into Korean}
볼 업

Ball-up: translate from English into Russian

Translate ball-up into Russian}
Путать, Приводить в смущение, Провалиться на экзамене

Ball-up: translate from English into Spanish

Translate ball-up into Spanish}
Pelota, Hacer un lío, Ser suspendido en el examen

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