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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Ashamed

Ashamed – definition


Embarrassed or guilty because of one's actions, characteristics, or associations.

Usage examples:

You should be ashamed of yourself

Feeling bad because you are aware that others know that you or someone connected with you has done something wrong or embarrassing

Usage examples:

[ + to infinitive ] pedro was never ashamed to admit his mistakes., i felt deeply ashamed for my fa…

Ashamed translation into English

Ashamed: translate from English into Chinese

Translate ashamed into Chinese (Simplified)}
羞愧, 惭, 怍, 愧, 羞, 恧, 戚, 愦, 过意不去的, 媿

Ashamed: translate from English into Dutch

Translate ashamed into Dutch}

Ashamed: translate from English into French

Translate ashamed into French}
Honteux, Timide

Ashamed: translate from English into German

Translate ashamed into German}

Ashamed: translate from English into Hindi

Translate ashamed into Hindi}
शर्मिंदा, लज्जित, शरमिन्दा, संकुचित

Ashamed: translate from English into Italian

Translate ashamed into Italian}
Si vergogna, Vergognoso

Ashamed: translate from English into Korean

Translate ashamed into Korean}
부끄러운, 부끄러워, 딱하게 여겨, 유감스럽게 여겨

Ashamed: translate from English into Russian

Translate ashamed into Russian}
Стыдящийся, Совестно, Пристыженный

Ashamed: translate from English into Spanish

Translate ashamed into Spanish}
Avergonzado, Apenado, Abochornado

Word origin

Old English āscamod, past participle of āscamian ‘feel shame’, from ā- (as an intensifier) + the verb shame.

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