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The meaning of Ash

Ash – definition


The powdery residue left after the burning of a substance.

Usage examples:

Cigarette ash

A trophy for the winner of a series of test matches in a cricket season between england and australia.


A tree with compound leaves, winged fruits, and hard pale timber, widely distributed throughout north temperate regions.

Usage examples:

The woods most often used for balsamic include chestnut, ash tree, cherry, mulberry, juniper and oak.

An old english runic letter, ᚫ, a vowel intermediate between a and e. it is represented in the roman alphabet by the symbol æ or æ.


The soft, gray or black, powdery substance left after something has burned

Usage examples:

[ u ] volcanic ash, [ c ] we cleaned the ashes out of the fireplace.

Ash translation into English

Ash: translate from English into Chinese

Translate ash into Chinese (Simplified)}
灰, 灰烬, 烬, 余烬, 岑树

Ash: translate from English into Dutch

Translate ash into Dutch}
As, Es, Essehout, Essehouten, Van essehout

Ash: translate from English into French

Translate ash into French}
Cendre, Frêne

Ash: translate from English into German

Translate ash into German}

Ash: translate from English into Hindi

Translate ash into Hindi}
राख, एश, भस्म, सून का पेड़, भभूत, भूति, पांशु

Ash: translate from English into Italian

Translate ash into Italian}
Cenere, Frassino, Color cenere

Ash: translate from English into Korean

Translate ash into Korean}
금연 건강 증진 협회, 슬픔을 상징하는 것, 회한을 상징하는 것, 굴욕을 상징하는 것, 서양 물푸레나무, 물푸레나무 재목

Ash: translate from English into Russian

Translate ash into Russian}
Пепел, Зола, Ясень, Прах, Посыпать пеплом, Останки

Ash: translate from English into Spanish

Translate ash into Spanish}
Ceniza, Fresno

Word origin

Old English æsc, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch es and German Esche .

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