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The meaning of As fit as a fiddle

As fit as a fiddle – definition


In very good health.

Usage examples:

What keeps him youthful, healthy and fit as a fiddle?

To be very healthy and strong

Usage examples:

My grandmother's 89, but she's as fit as a fiddle.

As fit as a fiddle translation into English

As fit as a fiddle: translate from English into Chinese

Translate as fit as a fiddle into Chinese (Simplified)}

As fit as a fiddle: translate from English into Dutch

Translate as fit as a fiddle into Dutch}
Zo fit als een hoentje, Kiplekker

As fit as a fiddle: translate from English into French

Translate as fit as a fiddle into French}
Aussi bon qu'un violon

As fit as a fiddle: translate from English into German

Translate as fit as a fiddle into German}
So fit wie ein turnschuh

As fit as a fiddle: translate from English into Hindi

Translate as fit as a fiddle into Hindi}
एक बैल की तरह तंदरुस्त

As fit as a fiddle: translate from English into Italian

Translate as fit as a fiddle into Italian}
In forma come un violino

As fit as a fiddle: translate from English into Korean

Translate as fit as a fiddle into Korean}
바이올린처럼 딱 맞는

As fit as a fiddle: translate from English into Russian

Translate as fit as a fiddle into Russian}
Подходит как скрипка, В прекрасном настроении, Как нельзя лучше, Совершенно здоров

As fit as a fiddle: translate from English into Spanish

Translate as fit as a fiddle into Spanish}
Tan en forma como un violín

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