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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of As american as apple pie

As american as apple pie – definition


Typically american in character.

Usage examples:

They have made violence as american as apple pie

Considered very typical of the united states or of the people of the united states

As american as apple pie translation into English

As american as apple pie: translate from English into Chinese

Translate as american as apple pie into Chinese (Simplified)}

As american as apple pie: translate from English into Dutch

Translate as american as apple pie into Dutch}
Typisch amerikaans

As american as apple pie: translate from English into French

Translate as american as apple pie into French}
Aussi américain qu'une tarte aux pommes

As american as apple pie: translate from English into German

Translate as american as apple pie into German}
So amerikanisch wie apfelkuchen

As american as apple pie: translate from English into Hindi

Translate as american as apple pie into Hindi}
सेब पाई के रूप में अमेरिकी के रूप में

As american as apple pie: translate from English into Italian

Translate as american as apple pie into Italian}
Americano come la torta di mele

As american as apple pie: translate from English into Korean

Translate as american as apple pie into Korean}
사과 파이만큼 미국식

As american as apple pie: translate from English into Russian

Translate as american as apple pie into Russian}
Американский как яблочный пирог

As american as apple pie: translate from English into Spanish

Translate as american as apple pie into Spanish}
Tan americano como el pastel de manzana

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