Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Appear

Appear – definition


Come into sight; become visible or noticeable, especially without apparent cause.

Usage examples:

Smoke appeared on the horizon

Seem; give the impression of being.

Usage examples:

She appeared not to know what was happening

To become noticeable or to be present

Usage examples:

At this point the ferry boat suddenly appeared., her picture appeared on the front page of the news…

Appear translation into English

Appear: translate from English into Chinese

Translate appear into Chinese (Simplified)}
出现, 似乎, 呈现, 显现, 现, 显, 似, 露面, 觉得, 见得, 显露, 透, 形, 晛

Appear: translate from English into Dutch

Translate appear into Dutch}
Tevoorschijn komen, Verschijnen, Lijken, Blijken, Schijnen, Optreden, Te voorschijn komen, Toeschijnen, Ten tonele verschijnen

Appear: translate from English into French

Translate appear into French}
Apparaître, Comparaître, Sembler, Paraître, Surgir, Publier, Faire présenter, Avoir l'air de

Appear: translate from English into German

Translate appear into German}
Erscheinen, Scheinen, Auftreten, Auftauchen, Wirken, Stehen, Tauchen, Sichtbar werden, Anmuten, Sich zeigen, Aufkommen, Herauskommen, Dünken, Sich einstellen, Durchbrechen

Appear: translate from English into Hindi

Translate appear into Hindi}
के जैसा लगना, लगना, निकलना, रूप लेना, आकृति करना, आभास होना, पेषी को आना, प्रतीत होना, उपस्थित होना

Appear: translate from English into Italian

Translate appear into Italian}
Apparire, Comparire, Sembrare, Figurare, Presentarsi, Manifestarsi, Mostrarsi, Presentare, Affacciarsi, Mostrare, Spuntare, Parere, Palesarsi, Comparire manifestarsi, Prospettare

Appear: translate from English into Korean

Translate appear into Korean}
나타나다, 출연하다, ...인 듯하다, 분명하다

Appear: translate from English into Russian

Translate appear into Russian}
Появляться, Казаться, Предстать, Проявляться, Показываться, Выступать, Являться, Проступать, Производить впечатление, Издаваться, Обозначаться, Явствовать, Привидеться, Предстать перед судом, Виднеться, Видеться, Выступать на сцене, Заявляться, Выступать официально, Быть очевидным, Выходить

Appear: translate from English into Spanish

Translate appear into Spanish}
Aparecer, Parecer, Comparecer, Mostrarse, Surgir, Actuar, Publicarse, Emerger, Apuntar

Word origin

Middle English: from Old French apareir, from Latin apparere, from ad- ‘towards’ + parere ‘come into view’.

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