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The meaning of Aiding

Aiding – definition


Help or support (someone or something) in the achievement of something.

Usage examples:

Women were aided in childbirth by midwives

Help, typically of a practical nature.

Usage examples:

He saw the pilot slumped in his cockpit and went to his aid

A grant of subsidy or tax to a king or queen.

Usage examples:

In 1678, he spoke in favour of giving an aid to the king, and the following month obtained a commis…

Artificial insemination by donor.


Agency for international development.


Present participle of aid

Usage examples:

Huge projects designed to aid poorer countries can sometimes do more harm than good., his excuse fo…

Aiding translation into English

Aiding: translate from English into Chinese

Translate aiding into Chinese (Simplified)}
帮助, 辅助, 协助, 援, 助, 扶持, 济, 帮扶, 帮, 赈, 接应, 赈济, 裨, 襄, 输将

Aiding: translate from English into Dutch

Translate aiding into Dutch}
Helpen, Bevorderen, Bijstand verlenen, Bijdragen tot

Aiding: translate from English into French

Translate aiding into French}
Aider, Faciliter

Aiding: translate from English into German

Translate aiding into German}
Helfen, Unterstützen, Fördern

Aiding: translate from English into Hindi

Translate aiding into Hindi}
सहायता, सहायता देना

Aiding: translate from English into Italian

Translate aiding into Italian}
Aiutare, Soccorrere, Assistere, Accelerare, Affrettare, Essere d'aiuto

Aiding: translate from English into Korean

Translate aiding into Korean}
원조, 돕다, 조성하다, 촉진하다

Aiding: translate from English into Russian

Translate aiding into Russian}
Помощь, Способствовать, Помогать, Оказывать поддержку

Aiding: translate from English into Spanish

Translate aiding into Spanish}
Ayudando, Ayudar, Auxiliar

Word origin

late Middle English: from Old French aide (noun), aidier (verb), based on Latin adjuvare, from ad- ‘towards’ + juvare ‘to help’.

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