Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Account for


Account for – definition

phrasal verb

Be the reason or explanation for

phrasal verb

Give a satisfactory record of something, typically money, that one is responsible for.

Usage examples:

I had to account for every penny i spent
phrasal verb

To explain the reason for something

phrasal verb

To form part of a total

Usage examples:

High-tech companies account for 32% of the total value of the payrolls in the area., rural american…

Account for translation into English

Account for: translate from English into Chinese

Translate account for into Chinese (Simplified)}
占, 交待, 交帐

Account for: translate from English into Dutch

Translate account for into Dutch}
Rekening voor, Rekenschap geven van, Verantwoorden van, Voor zijn rekening nemen, Nederleggen, Neerleggen, Doden

Account for: translate from English into French

Translate account for into French}
Compte pour, Expliquer, Représenter, Justifier, Être responsable de

Account for: translate from English into German

Translate account for into German}
Konto für, Erklären, Begründen, Rechenschaft ablegen über, Verantwortlich sein, Motivieren

Account for: translate from English into Hindi

Translate account for into Hindi}
के लिये उत्तरदयी होना, उत्तरदायी होना, हिसाब में लेना, समाधान करो, लेखा दो, कारण बताओ

Account for: translate from English into Italian

Translate account for into Italian}
Rendere conto di, Essere responsabile di

Account for: translate from English into Korean

Translate account for into Korean}
설명하다, ...에 대해, ...탓에

Account for: translate from English into Russian

Translate account for into Russian}
Учитывать, Объяснять, Считать, Нести ответственность, Отвечать, Признавать, Рассматривать, Приводить к, Вызывать что-л., Служить причиной чего-л.

Account for: translate from English into Spanish

Translate account for into Spanish}
Cuenta para, Explicar, Dar cuenta de, Responder de, Liquidar, Representar algo

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