Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of Abhor

Abhor – definition


To hate something or someone

Usage examples:

His opponent abhors the death penalty., she has an abhorrence of violence., his attitude of superio…

Abhor translation into English

Abhor: translate from English into Chinese

Translate abhor into Chinese (Simplified)}
痛恨, 疾, 嫌恶, 恚恨, 鄙弃, 厌恨

Abhor: translate from English into Dutch

Translate abhor into Dutch}
Verafschuwen, Verfoeien, Gruwen, Haten, Een afschuw hebben van

Abhor: translate from English into French

Translate abhor into French}

Abhor: translate from English into German

Translate abhor into German}
Verabscheuen, Abscheu haben

Abhor: translate from English into Hindi

Translate abhor into Hindi}
घृणा करना

Abhor: translate from English into Italian

Translate abhor into Italian}
Aborrire, Detestare, Avere in orrore

Abhor: translate from English into Korean

Translate abhor into Korean}
혐오하다, 소름끼칠 정도로 싫어하다, 거부하다, 절기하다, 대기하다, 극기하다

Abhor: translate from English into Russian

Translate abhor into Russian}
Ненавидеть, Питать отвращение

Abhor: translate from English into Spanish

Translate abhor into Spanish}
Aborrecer, Detestar, Abominar, Odiar

Word origin

late Middle English: from Latin abhorrere, from ab- ‘away from’ + horrere ‘to shudder’.

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Abhor – similar words

Abhor synonims

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