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Worder Dictionary

The meaning of A penny for your thoughts

A penny for your thoughts – definition


Used to ask someone what they are thinking about.

Usage examples:

I haven't heard anyone say that for years - a penny for your thoughts.

I would like to know what you are thinking

Usage examples:

You haven't said very much – a penny for your thoughts.

A penny for your thoughts translation into English

A penny for your thoughts: translate from English into Chinese

Translate a penny for your thoughts into Chinese (Simplified)}

A penny for your thoughts: translate from English into Dutch

Translate a penny for your thoughts into Dutch}
Een dubbeltje voor je gedachten

A penny for your thoughts: translate from English into French

Translate a penny for your thoughts into French}
Un sou pour vos pensées

A penny for your thoughts: translate from English into German

Translate a penny for your thoughts into German}
Einen penny für deine gedanken

A penny for your thoughts: translate from English into Hindi

Translate a penny for your thoughts into Hindi}
अपने विचारों के लिए एक पैसा

A penny for your thoughts: translate from English into Italian

Translate a penny for your thoughts into Italian}
Un penny per i tuoi pensieri

A penny for your thoughts: translate from English into Korean

Translate a penny for your thoughts into Korean}
당신의 생각에 대한 페니

A penny for your thoughts: translate from English into Russian

Translate a penny for your thoughts into Russian}
Копейки за ваши мысли, О чем задумались?

A penny for your thoughts: translate from English into Spanish

Translate a penny for your thoughts into Spanish}
Un centavo por tus pensamientos

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