Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of A little bird told me

A little bird told me – definition


Used to indicate that the speaker knows something but chooses to keep the identity of their informant secret.

Usage examples:

A little bird told me it was your birthday

Used to say that you have heard a piece of information about someone from someone else

Usage examples:

"how did you know it was my birthday?" "α little bird told me.", a little bird told me that they us…

A little bird told me translation into English

A little bird told me: translate from English into Chinese

Translate a little bird told me into Chinese (Simplified)}

A little bird told me: translate from English into Dutch

Translate a little bird told me into Dutch}
Vertelde een vogeltje me

A little bird told me: translate from English into French

Translate a little bird told me into French}
Un petit oiseau m'a dit

A little bird told me: translate from English into German

Translate a little bird told me into German}
Ein kleiner vogel hat mir gesagt

A little bird told me: translate from English into Hindi

Translate a little bird told me into Hindi}
किसी छोटे ने कहा था

A little bird told me: translate from English into Italian

Translate a little bird told me into Italian}
Un uccellino mi ha detto

A little bird told me: translate from English into Korean

Translate a little bird told me into Korean}
작은 새가 나에게 말했다

A little bird told me: translate from English into Russian

Translate a little bird told me into Russian}
Слухом земля полнится, Кто-то мне сказал

A little bird told me: translate from English into Spanish

Translate a little bird told me into Spanish}
Un pajarito me dijo

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