Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

The meaning of A-breath-of-fresh-air

A-breath-of-fresh-air – definition

Someone or something that makes a situation feel new, different, and exciting

Usage examples:

The last band was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise boring night of music.

An act or brief spell of breathing air that is outside or outdoors.

Usage examples:

Researchers found that 50 per cent of workers never leave the office for a breath of fresh air

A-breath-of-fresh-air translation into English

A-breath-of-fresh-air: translate from English into Chinese

Translate a-breath-of-fresh-air into Chinese (Simplified)}

A-breath-of-fresh-air: translate from English into Dutch

Translate a-breath-of-fresh-air into Dutch}
Een hap frisse lucht

A-breath-of-fresh-air: translate from English into French

Translate a-breath-of-fresh-air into French}
Une bouffée d'air frais

A-breath-of-fresh-air: translate from English into German

Translate a-breath-of-fresh-air into German}
Ein atemzug frischluft

A-breath-of-fresh-air: translate from English into Hindi

Translate a-breath-of-fresh-air into Hindi}
ताज़ा हवा का झोंका

A-breath-of-fresh-air: translate from English into Italian

Translate a-breath-of-fresh-air into Italian}
Una boccata d'aria fresca

A-breath-of-fresh-air: translate from English into Korean

Translate a-breath-of-fresh-air into Korean}
신선한 공기를 마시다

A-breath-of-fresh-air: translate from English into Russian

Translate a-breath-of-fresh-air into Russian}
Глоток свежего воздуха

A-breath-of-fresh-air: translate from English into Spanish

Translate a-breath-of-fresh-air into Spanish}
Un soplo de aire fresco

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