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English words starting with ul

Meanings of Ulama:


A body of muslim scholars who are recognized as having specialist knowledge of islamic sacred law and theology.

Usage examples:

For example, muslim scholars, or ulama, were hierarchically organized and sanctioned by the state, …



Meanings of Ulamas:


A body of muslim scholars who are recognized as having specialist knowledge of islamic sacred law and theology.

Usage examples:

For example, muslim scholars, or ulama, were hierarchically organized and sanctioned by the state, …

Meanings of Ulcer:


An open sore on an external or internal surface of the body, caused by a break in the skin or mucous membrane which fails to heal. ulcers range from small, painful sores in the mouth to bedsores and serious lesions of the stomach or intestine.

Usage examples:

A common form of mouth ulcer, canker sores occur in women more often than in men.

Meanings of Ulcerate:


Develop into or become affected by an ulcer.

Usage examples:

A small vesicle which ulcerates and spreads

Meanings of Ulcerated:


Develop into or become affected by an ulcer.

Usage examples:

A small vesicle which ulcerates and spreads

Ulcerated skin is covered in ulcers

Usage examples:

She had lain in bed for so long that her shoulder blades had become ulcerated.

Meanings of Ulceration:


The formation of an ulcer or ulcers.

Usage examples:

All of the patients had a history of foot ulceration caused by diabetes

Meanings of Ulcerations:


The formation of an ulcer or ulcers.

Usage examples:

All of the patients had a history of foot ulceration caused by diabetes



Meanings of Ulcerative:


Affected by or involving ulcers (= breaks in the skin, or on the surface of an organ inside the body, that do not heal naturally)

Usage examples:

The area is healing well and appears not to be becoming ulcerative., an endoscopy revealed an ulcer…



Meanings of Ulcerous:


Having or constituting an ulcer.

Usage examples:

The parasites created ulcerous sores

Meanings of Ulcers:


An open sore on an external or internal surface of the body, caused by a break in the skin or mucous membrane which fails to heal. ulcers range from small, painful sores in the mouth to bedsores and serious lesions of the stomach or intestine.

Usage examples:

A common form of mouth ulcer, canker sores occur in women more often than in men.

Meanings of Ule:


Forming diminutive nouns such as capsule, pustule.

Meanings of Ulema:


A body of muslim scholars who are recognized as having specialist knowledge of islamic sacred law and theology.

Usage examples:

For example, muslim scholars, or ulama, were hierarchically organized and sanctioned by the state, …



Meanings of Ulemas:


A body of muslim scholars who are recognized as having specialist knowledge of islamic sacred law and theology.

Usage examples:

For example, muslim scholars, or ulama, were hierarchically organized and sanctioned by the state, …

Meanings of Ulexite:


A mineral occurring on alkali flats as rounded masses of small white crystals. it is a hydrated borate of sodium and calcium.

Usage examples:

Boron never occurs as a free element, but always as a compound in minerals such as borax (sodium bo…



Meanings of Ullage:


The amount by which a container falls short of being full.

Usage examples:

Half-bottles usually contain 37.5 cl and tend to hasten wine ageing, partly because they contain mo…



Meanings of Ullages:


The space in a closed container of liquid that is not filled by the liquid

Usage examples:

Most wines are bottled for immediate consumption, and the ullage should be small., the requirement …



Meanings of Ulmo:


A chilean eucryphia tree which is sometimes cultivated as an ornamental.

Usage examples:

It features exuberant vegetation of ulmos, olivillos and coigües, and sea species like salmons and …

Meanings of Ulna:


The thinner and longer of the two bones in the human forearm, on the side opposite to the thumb.

Usage examples:

All three heads run into a common tendon that crosses the elbow joint and inserts on the olecranon …



Meanings of Ulnae:


The thinner and longer of the two bones in the human forearm, on the side opposite to the thumb.

Usage examples:

All three heads run into a common tendon that crosses the elbow joint and inserts on the olecranon …

Meanings of Ulnar:


Relating to the ulna (= the long, thin bone in the lower part of the arm)

Usage examples:

The ulnar artery



Meanings of Ulster:


A man's long, loose overcoat of rough cloth, typically with a belt at the back.

Usage examples:

What is pathetic about the anemic-brained man in the ulster is that he has been misled, that the ta…
proper noun

A former province of ireland, in the north of the island. the nine counties of ulster are now divided between northern ireland (antrim, down, armagh, londonderry, tyrone, and fermanagh) and the republic of ireland (cavan, donegal, and monaghan).

Meanings of Ulsterman:


A male native or inhabitant of ulster.

Usage examples:

A masterful display by the ulsterman



Meanings of Ulsters:


A man's long, loose overcoat of rough cloth, typically with a belt at the back.

Usage examples:

What is pathetic about the anemic-brained man in the ulster is that he has been misled, that the ta…
proper noun

A former province of ireland, in the north of the island. the nine counties of ulster are now divided between northern ireland (antrim, down, armagh, londonderry, tyrone, and fermanagh) and the republic of ireland (cavan, donegal, and monaghan).



Meanings of Ult:




Of last month.

Usage examples:

The 3rd ultimo



Meanings of Ulterior:


Existing beyond what is obvious or admitted; intentionally hidden.

Usage examples:

Could there be an ulterior motive behind his request?

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