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English words starting with osm



Meanings of Osmanli:


Relating to the ottoman empire or to the turkish dynasty of osman i (othman i).

Usage examples:

Among the many revolts in bosnia against the bureaucratic rule of the osmanli turks that of 1830-31…

A turk, especially of the period of the ottoman empire.

Meanings of Osmanthus:


A genus of the family oleaceae comprising evergreen shrubs and small trees native to eastern asia, the middle east, and southern north america, usually having fragrant white or cream flowers; (also osmanthus) any plant of this genus.

Meanings of Osmate:


A salt or ester of osmic acid; a salt containing oxyanions of osmium, especially one containing the anion [oso₂ (oh)₄ ]2−.

Meanings of Osmaterium:


An organ capable of emitting a penetrating or noxious odour; specifically an eversible gland on the first thoracic segment of certain papilionid caterpillars.

Meanings of Osmatic:


Having well-developed olfactory organs and a good sense of smell; macrosmatic. compare "anosmatic", microsmatic .

Meanings of Osmazome:


A name formerly given to that substance or mixture of substances soluble in water and alcohol which gives meat its flavour and smell; (more generally) meat juice or extract.

Meanings of Osmeterium:


An organ capable of emitting a penetrating or noxious odour; specifically an eversible gland on the first thoracic segment of certain papilionid caterpillars.

Meanings of Osmic:


Relating to odours or the sense of smell.

Usage examples:

A predator doused by the skunk's osmic barrage is doubtless deterred.

Meanings of Osmics:


With singular agreement. the branch of science concerned with odours and the sense of smell.

Meanings of Osmiridium:


A naturally occurring alloy of osmium and iridium, often with traces of other metals; (mineralogy) an alloy having a cubic crystal structure and in which iridium predominates.

Meanings of Osmite:


A salt obtained following reduction of osmic acid, or derived from a lower oxide of osmium; specifically a salt of the anion [oso₂ (oh)₄ ]2−. compare osmate , osmiate .



Meanings of Osmium:


The chemical element of atomic number 76, a hard, dense silvery-white metal of the transition series.

Usage examples:

Scientists speculate that the asteroids would probably be very rich in minerals with a very high me…

Meanings of Osmol:


The amount of a solute that contains or produces one mole of osmotically active particles when in solution. also (in plural): osmotically active particles.

Meanings of Osmolal:


Of the concentration of a solution: expressed in osmoles of solute per kilogram of solvent. also: designating a solution that contains one osmole, or a specified number of osmoles, per kilogram of solvent, or the solute present in such a solution.



Meanings of Osmolality:


The concentration of a solution expressed as the total number of solute particles per kilogram.

Usage examples:

They are also regulatory organs, controlling the volume and the composition of the body fluids and …

Meanings of Osmolar:


Of the concentration of a solution: expressed in terms of the quantity of osmotically active solute particles per unit; specifically expressed in osmoles of solute per litre of solution. also: designating a solution that contains one osmole, or a specified number of osmoles, per litre of solution, or the solute present in such a solution; of or relating to osmotically active particles.

Meanings of Osmolarity:


The concentration of a solution expressed as the total number of solute particles per litre.

Usage examples:

Total osmolarity, and final ph of all solutions, was always verified to ensure consistency.

Meanings of Osmometer:


An instrument for demonstrating or measuring osmotic pressure.

Usage examples:

Individual cell osmotic pressure is measured using a picolitre osmometer.

Meanings of Osmophore:


A chemical group whose presence in the molecules of a substance causes the substance to have a smell.



Meanings of Osmoregulation:


The maintenance of constant osmotic pressure in the fluids of an organism by the control of water and salt concentrations.

Usage examples:

To understand osmoregulation of organisms in the real world, then, we must remember that organisms …



Meanings of Osmoregulatory:


Relating to the process by which the amount of water in living things and the substances it contains are controlled

Meanings of Osmose:


Pass by or as if by osmosis.

Usage examples:

Publishing companies osmose like amoebae into ever larger conglomerates



Meanings of Osmosed:


Pass by or as if by osmosis.

Usage examples:

Publishing companies osmose like amoebae into ever larger conglomerates



Meanings of Osmoses:


Pass by or as if by osmosis.

Usage examples:

Publishing companies osmose like amoebae into ever larger conglomerates

Meanings of Osmosing:


Pass by or as if by osmosis.

Usage examples:

Publishing companies osmose like amoebae into ever larger conglomerates

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