Worder - English dictionary
Worder Dictionary

English words starting with of



Meanings of Of:


Expressing the relationship between a part and a whole.

Usage examples:

The sleeve of his coat

Variant spelling of ob- assimilated before f (as in offend ).

Meanings of Of necessity:


In such a manner as could not be otherwise



Usage examples:

To alleviate labour shortages employers will, of necessity, offer better deals for part-timers

Someone who represents another person in an emergency, but who has not officially been given the right to do so

Meanings of Of-a-kind:


Used to describe something that exists but is not very good

Usage examples:

The school had a swimming pool of a kind, but it was too small for most classes to use.

Meanings of Of-a-mind:


A machine or other object can be said to have a mind of its own if it seems to be controlling the way it behaves or moves, independently of the person using it

Usage examples:

This shopping trolley has a mind of its own.

Meanings of Of-a-piece:


Used to refer to a woman as a sexually attractive object


ˌeɪdʒ əv ˈseɪl

Meanings of Of-age:


The period from around 1570 to around 1860 when ships with sails were used for travel, trade, and fighting in wars

Usage examples:

They have paintings of famed ships and naval battles in the age of sail by some of the greatest mar…

Meanings of Of-assistance:


To help

Usage examples:

Can i be of any assistance, madam?, here is a link to an article that may be of assistance to you.,…

Meanings of Of-benefit:


To decide that you will believe someone, even though you are not sure that what the person is saying is true

Usage examples:

She said she was late because her flight was canceled, and we gave her the benefit of the doubt.

Meanings of Of-choice:


Your thing or person of choice is the one that you usually choose in a particular situation

Usage examples:

Botox is now the drug of choice in hollywood.

Meanings of Of-consequence:


Not important

Usage examples:

The money was of little consequence to tony., in the grand scheme of things, these problems are of …

Meanings of Of-course:


Yes, certainly

Usage examples:

"may i use your telephone?" "of course, go right ahead."

Meanings of Of-course-not:


Definitely no or definitely not

Usage examples:

"the pie is delicious! do you mind if i have a second helping? " "of course not, i’m glad you like …

Meanings of Of-few-words:


A man/woman who says very little

Usage examples:

My father was a man of few words, but when he spoke it was worth listening to.

Meanings of Of-fish:


Someone who is uncomfortable in a specific situation

Usage examples:

I felt like a fish out of water at my new school.

Meanings of Of-good-cheer:


To be happy

Usage examples:

Be of good cheer, my friend - things will get better., she took my hand and told me to be of good c…



Meanings of Of-hell:


Extremely, or extremely big

Usage examples:

It's a helluva nice place., we're going to have a helluva problem., our new boss is a helluva guy.

Meanings of Of-importance:


To think and act as if you are very important

Usage examples:

Since he got his new job, he's been very full of his own importance., he's an awful man - full of h…

Meanings of Of-late:



Usage examples:

We haven't spoken of late.

Meanings of Of-little:


To not consider something to be very important

Usage examples:

He made little of his ordeal.

Meanings of Of-little-account:


To not be important

Usage examples:

It's of no account to me whether he comes or not., his opinion is of little account to me., as i st…

Meanings of Of-little-consequence:


Not important

Usage examples:

The money was of little consequence to tony., in the grand scheme of things, these problems are of …



Meanings of Of-mark:


A small area on the surface of something that is damaged, dirty, a different color, or in some other way not like the rest of the surface

Usage examples:

You’ve got paint marks on your shirt., there were skid marks where the car had gone off the road., …

Meanings of Of-men:


A priest



Meanings of Of-moment:


A very short period ...

Meanings of Of-no-account:


To not be important

Usage examples:

It's of no account to me whether he comes or not., his opinion is of little account to me., as i st…

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