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Worder Dictionary

English words starting with in



Meanings of In:


Expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded by something else.

Usage examples:

I'm living in london

Expressing movement with the result that someone or something becomes enclosed or surrounded by something else.

Usage examples:

Come in

Present at one's home or office.

Usage examples:

We knocked at the door but there was no one in

A position of influence with someone powerful or famous.

Usage examples:

She got an in with the promising new artist



(added to adjectives) not.

Usage examples:


Forming names of organic compounds, pharmaceutical products, proteins, etc.

Usage examples:


The chemical element indium.

Meanings of In a heartbeat:


Instantly; immediately.

Usage examples:

I'd do it again in a heartbeat

Very quickly, without needing to think about it

Usage examples:

I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Meanings of In a new york minute:


A very short time; a moment.

Usage examples:

You mention that price and she'll be out of here in a new york minute

Meanings of In a nutshell:


Summed up briefly

Very briefly, giving only the main points

Usage examples:

"what went wrong?" "in a nutshell, everything."

In the fewest possible words.

Usage examples:

She put the matter in a nutshell

Meanings of In a pickle:


To be in a difficult situation

Meanings of In a rut:


Too fixed in one particular type of job, activity, method, etc., and needing to change

Usage examples:

I need to change jobs - after 15 years here i feel i'm (stuck) in a rut.

In absentia

ˌɪn æbˈsen.ti.ə

Meanings of In absentia:


Although or while not present


While not present at the event being referred to.

Usage examples:

Two foreign suspects will be tried in absentia

Meanings of In addition:


As well (as)

Usage examples:

In addition to his apartment in manhattan, he has a villa in italy and a castle in scotland., all e…

Meanings of In all probability:


Used to mean that something is very likely

Usage examples:

She will, in all probability, have left before we arrive., he was a senior civil servant who, in al…

Meanings of In and of itself:


With respect to its inherent nature

Meanings of In and out:


Positioned inside or within the limits of something, or contained, surrounded, or enclosed by something

Usage examples:

There’s a cup in the cabinet., anne is still in bed., don’t stand in the driveway., he’s always loo…

Written abbreviation for inch


Involving rapid inward and outward movement.

Usage examples:

Smuggling drugs was a quick in-and-out operation

Meanings of In any event:


Used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement


Whatever happens or may have happened.

Usage examples:

In any event, i was not in a position to undertake such a task

Meanings of In brief:


In a concise manner; in a few words


In a few words; in short.

Usage examples:

He is, in brief, the embodiment of evil

Meanings of In broad daylight:


During daylight hours, and surprising for this reason.

Usage examples:

The kidnap took place in broad daylight

When anyone could see what is happening

Usage examples:

We never expected coyotes to come into our yard in broad daylight.

Meanings of In cold blood:


In an insensitive, unemotional manner


Without feeling or mercy; ruthlessly.

Usage examples:

They were killed in cold blood

Meanings of In due course:


At the appropriate time

Usage examples:

The range will be extended in due course

Meanings of In effect:


Exerting force or influence


In force.

Usage examples:

A moratorium in effect since 1985 has been lifted

Meanings of In fact:


In reality or actuality


Used to emphasize the truth of an assertion, especially one contrary to what might be expected or what has been asserted.

Usage examples:

The brook trout is in fact a char


Usage examples:

He was in fact near death by the time they reached him.

Meanings of In for a penny, in for a pound:


Used to express someone's intention to see an undertaking through, however much time, effort, or money this entails.

Usage examples:

Oh hell, i thought, in for a penny, in for a pound, and scrubbed the place from top to bottom

Something you say that means that since you have started something or are involved in it, you should complete the work although it has become more difficult or complicated than you had expected

Meanings of In full swing:


Proceeding with full vigor


At the height of activity.

Usage examples:

By nine-thirty the dance was in full swing

In general


Meanings of In general:


Involving or relating to most people, things, or conditions, esp. when these are considered as a unit; not particular or specific

Usage examples:

The general standard of living, this book is intended for the general reader (= one who does not ha…

Usually; mainly.

Usage examples:

In general, alexander was a peaceful, loving man

Meanings of In good shape:

To be prepared and ready to do something

Usage examples:

All our bags are packed, and we don't have to leave for another hour, so we're in good shape.

Meanings of In hot water:


In trouble or disgrace.

Usage examples:

He landed in hot water for an alleged v-sign to the fans

In a difficult situation in which you are likely to be punished

Usage examples:

Emails that criticize others can land you in hot water, so be careful what you write.

Meanings of In know:


To have knowledge about something that most people do not have

Usage examples:

This resort is considered by those who are in the know to have the best downhill skiing in europe.,…

Meanings of In limbo:


In a situation where you do not know what will happen or when something will happen

Usage examples:

We were in limbo for weeks while the jury tried to make a decision in the case.

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