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English words starting with bill

Meanings of Bill:


A printed or written statement of the money owed for goods or services.

Usage examples:

The bill for their meal came to £17

List (a person or event) in a programme.

Usage examples:

They were billed to appear but did not show up

Meanings of Bill-of-exchange:


A document, used especially in international trade, that orders a person or organization to pay a particular amount of money at a particular time for goods or services

Usage examples:

An exporter may obtain payment on an accepted bill of exchange before its due date by presenting th…

Meanings of Bill-of-fare:


A list of food in a restaurant

Meanings of Billable:


(of time spent engaged in a professional service) subject to a fee.

Usage examples:

Law firms hired by both companies racked up thousands of billable hours

Meanings of Billabong:


A branch of a river forming a backwater or stagnant pool, made by water flowing from the main stream during a flood.

Usage examples:

The water level in the billabong was high, too high for fishing, said the old ladies.



Meanings of Billboard:


A large outdoor board for displaying advertisements; a hoarding.

Usage examples:

The display of suggestive advertisements on billboards

Meanings of Billboards:


A large outdoor board for displaying advertisements; a hoarding.

Usage examples:

The display of suggestive advertisements on billboards

Meanings of Billed:


Having a beak or bill of a specified kind.

Usage examples:

Black-billed and yellow-billed cuckoos

List (a person or event) in a programme.

Usage examples:

They were billed to appear but did not show up

Meanings of Billet:


A place, especially a civilian's house, where soldiers are lodged temporarily.

Usage examples:

The sergeant gave them leave to rest while officers went in search of billets

Lodge (soldiers) in a particular place, especially a civilian's house.

Usage examples:

Most of the army was billeted within the town

Meanings of Billeted:


Lodge (soldiers) in a particular place, especially a civilian's house.

Usage examples:

Most of the army was billeted within the town

A place, especially a civilian's house, where soldiers are lodged temporarily.

Usage examples:

The sergeant gave them leave to rest while officers went in search of billets

Meanings of Billeting:


Lodge (soldiers) in a particular place, especially a civilian's house.

Usage examples:

Most of the army was billeted within the town

A place, especially a civilian's house, where soldiers are lodged temporarily.

Usage examples:

The sergeant gave them leave to rest while officers went in search of billets

Meanings of Billets:


A place, especially a civilian's house, where soldiers are lodged temporarily.

Usage examples:

The sergeant gave them leave to rest while officers went in search of billets

Lodge (soldiers) in a particular place, especially a civilian's house.

Usage examples:

Most of the army was billeted within the town

Meanings of Billfish:


A large, fast-swimming fish of open seas, with a streamlined body and a long pointed snout. it occurs on the surface in warmer waters and is a popular sporting fish.

Usage examples:

Leave the oceans' bluefin tunas and billfish and sea turtles alone, but pay no attention to the man…

Meanings of Billfishes:


A large, fast-swimming fish of open seas, with a streamlined body and a long pointed snout. it occurs on the surface in warmer waters and is a popular sporting fish.

Usage examples:

Leave the oceans' bluefin tunas and billfish and sea turtles alone, but pay no attention to the man…

Meanings of Billfold:


A wallet.

Usage examples:

Bills should be neatly arranged, in order, in wallets or billfolds.

Meanings of Billfolds:


A wallet.

Usage examples:

Bills should be neatly arranged, in order, in wallets or billfolds.

Meanings of Billhook:


A tool having a sickle-shaped blade with a sharp inner edge, used for pruning or lopping branches or other vegetation.

Usage examples:

Since then residents have reported seeing children running around with a billhook a small scythe an…

Meanings of Billhooks:


A tool having a sickle-shaped blade with a sharp inner edge, used for pruning or lopping branches or other vegetation.

Usage examples:

Since then residents have reported seeing children running around with a billhook a small scythe an…

Meanings of Billiard:


A game for two people, played on a billiard table, in which three balls are struck with cues into pockets round the edge of the tabl, with points scored by cannons, pocketing an object ball, or cannoning the cue ball into a pocket. in north america the game is known as english billiards.

Usage examples:

Guests can play billiards or table tennis

Used in or relating to billiards (= a game played by two people on a table covered in green cloth, in which a long stick is used to hit balls into pockets around the table)

Usage examples:

A billiard table, a billiard ball, the billiard room of the athletic club is decorated with photos …

Meanings of Billiards:

plural noun

A game for two people, played on a billiard table, in which three balls are struck with cues into pockets round the edge of the tabl, with points scored by cannons, pocketing an object ball, or cannoning the cue ball into a pocket. in north america the game is known as english billiards.

Usage examples:

Guests can play billiards or table tennis

Meanings of Billies:


A tin or enamel cooking pot with a lid and a wire handle, for use when camping.

Usage examples:

Roger had our fire going and the billy boiling

Meanings of Billing:


The fact of being advertised or described in a particular way.

Usage examples:

They can justify their billing as premier league favourites

List (a person or event) in a programme.

Usage examples:

They were billed to appear but did not show up

Meanings of Billings:


The process of preparing or sending invoices.

Usage examples:

Faster, more accurate order fulfilment and billing

Meanings of Billingsgate:

proper noun

A london fish market dating from the 16th century. in 1982 the market moved to the isle of dogs in the east end.

Meanings of Billion:


The number equivalent to the product of a thousand and a million; 1,000,000,000 or 109.

Usage examples:

A world population of nearly 5 billion
cardinal number

The number equivalent to the product of a thousand and a million; 1,000,000,000 or 10⁹

Usage examples:

A world population of nearly 5 billion

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