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English words starting with bil

Meanings of Bil:


Written abbreviation for billion

Usage examples:

Our aim is to save $2 bil. a year by improving systems.

Meanings of Bilabial:


(of a speech sound) formed by closure or near closure of the lips, e.g. p, b, m, w.

Usage examples:

I am now moving my lips, which contains four bilabial consonants, is another example: the moment yo…

A bilabial consonant sound.

Usage examples:

For alveolar affricates it is 0 when is, 10 when is. is 250 for velars, 100 for bilabials and denta…

Meanings of Bilabials:


A bilabial consonant sound.

Usage examples:

For alveolar affricates it is 0 when is, 10 when is. is 250 for velars, 100 for bilabials and denta…

(of a speech sound) formed by closure or near closure of the lips, e.g. p, b, m, w.

Usage examples:

I am now moving my lips, which contains four bilabial consonants, is another example: the moment yo…

Meanings of Bilateral:


Having or relating to two sides; affecting both sides.

Usage examples:

Bilateral hearing is essential for sound location



Meanings of Bilateralism:


A situation in which two countries or organizations have a trade agreement or work together to achieve something

Usage examples:

This surge of bilateralism is undermining the multilateral approach to tariff cuts, and could pose …

Meanings of Bilaterally:


In a way that involves or affects both sides.

Usage examples:

Of the 199 dogs, 36 were unilaterally deaf and 15 were bilaterally deaf

Meanings of Bilayer:


A film two molecules thick (formed e.g. by lipids), in which each molecule is arranged with its hydrophobic end directed inwards towards the opposite side of the film and its hydrophilic end directed outwards.

Usage examples:

Several studies examined the incorporation of proteins or large molecules into lipid bilayers.

Meanings of Bilberries:


A small dark blue edible berry.

Usage examples:

When the weather's fine there's excellent walking on a network of inland tracks that climb past pea…

Meanings of Bilberry:


A small dark blue edible berry.

Usage examples:

When the weather's fine there's excellent walking on a network of inland tracks that climb past pea…

Meanings of Bilbies:


Another term for rabbit-eared bandicoot.

Meanings of Bilbo:


A sword used in former times, noted for the temper and elasticity of its blade.

Usage examples:

What i at first thought was a spanish rapier of some sort, i now believe to be a bilboa/bilbao/bilb…

Meanings of Bilboes:


A sword used in former times, noted for the temper and elasticity of its blade.

plural noun

An iron bar with sliding shackles, formerly used for confining a prisoner's ankles.

Usage examples:

Stocks (also known as ‘bilboes’) were a commonplace feature of plantation discipline, but were used…

Meanings of Bilbos:


A sword used in former times, noted for the temper and elasticity of its blade.

Usage examples:

What i at first thought was a spanish rapier of some sort, i now believe to be a bilboa/bilbao/bilb…

Meanings of Bilby:


Another term for rabbit-eared bandicoot.

Meanings of Bile:


A bitter greenish-brown alkaline fluid which aids digestion and is secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder.

Usage examples:

The main function of the gallbladder is to store bile, a digestive fluid produced by the liver.

Meanings of Bilge:


The area on the outer surface of a ship's hull where the bottom curves to meet the vertical sides.

Usage examples:

The consensus is that the insured should have had a non-combustible tarpaulin or heat retardant bla…

Break a hole in the bilge of (a ship).

Usage examples:

It is the responsibility of the government that it bilged the boat of democracy.

Meanings of Bilged:


Break a hole in the bilge of (a ship).

Usage examples:

It is the responsibility of the government that it bilged the boat of democracy.

The area on the outer surface of a ship's hull where the bottom curves to meet the vertical sides.

Usage examples:

The consensus is that the insured should have had a non-combustible tarpaulin or heat retardant bla…

Meanings of Bilges:


The area on the outer surface of a ship's hull where the bottom curves to meet the vertical sides.

Usage examples:

The consensus is that the insured should have had a non-combustible tarpaulin or heat retardant bla…

Break a hole in the bilge of (a ship).

Usage examples:

It is the responsibility of the government that it bilged the boat of democracy.

Meanings of Bilgewater:


The area on the outer surface of a ship's hull where the bottom curves to meet the vertical sides.

Usage examples:

The consensus is that the insured should have had a non-combustible tarpaulin or heat retardant bla…

Break a hole in the bilge of (a ship).

Usage examples:

It is the responsibility of the government that it bilged the boat of democracy.

Meanings of Bilging:


Break a hole in the bilge of (a ship).

Usage examples:

It is the responsibility of the government that it bilged the boat of democracy.

The area on the outer surface of a ship's hull where the bottom curves to meet the vertical sides.

Usage examples:

The consensus is that the insured should have had a non-combustible tarpaulin or heat retardant bla…

Meanings of Bilharzia:


A chronic disease, endemic in parts of africa and south america, caused by infestation with blood flukes (schistosomes).

Usage examples:

The main effects of hunger are apathy and disease - bilharzia, cholera, tuberculosis, hiv-aids.

Meanings of Bilharziasis:


Another term for bilharzia (the disease).

Meanings of Biliary:


Relating to bile or the bile duct.

Usage examples:

Ultrasonography is the best method for identifying gallbladder stones and for confirming extrahepat…

Meanings of Bilinear:


Relating to or contained by two straight lines.

Meanings of Bilingual:


Speaking two languages fluently.

Usage examples:

A bilingual secretary

A person fluent in two languages.

Usage examples:

As highly fluent bilinguals, the owners and employees can easily choose the language they will use …

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