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English words starting with az

Meanings of Az:


Arizona (in official postal use).

Meanings of Azalea:


A deciduous flowering shrub with clusters of brightly coloured, sometimes fragrant flowers. azaleas are typically smaller than other rhododendrons and there are numerous cultivars.

Usage examples:

These are gardens for all seasons with the rhododendron dell, the azaleas and flowering cherry tree…

Meanings of Azaleamum:


A deciduous flowering shrub with clusters of brightly coloured, sometimes fragrant flowers. azaleas are typically smaller than other rhododendrons and there are numerous cultivars.

Usage examples:

These are gardens for all seasons with the rhododendron dell, the azaleas and flowering cherry tree…

Meanings of Azaleas:


A deciduous flowering shrub with clusters of brightly coloured, sometimes fragrant flowers. azaleas are typically smaller than other rhododendrons and there are numerous cultivars.

Usage examples:

These are gardens for all seasons with the rhododendron dell, the azaleas and flowering cherry tree…

Meanings of Azan:


The muslim call to ritual prayer made by a muezzin from the minaret of a mosque (or now often played from a recording).

Usage examples:

But neither this, nor the additions they have in the azan or call to prayer, is reason to consider …

Meanings of Azande:


A member of a central african people of mixed ethnic origin.

Usage examples:

In africa when the azande prepare to fight they sit and wait for most of the day to pass.

Relating to the zande or their language.

Usage examples:

The simbas, however, had killed faustino's brother, who was a paramount leader of the azande tribe.

Meanings of Azans:


The muslim call to ritual prayer made by a muezzin from the minaret of a mosque (or now often played from a recording).

Meanings of Azarole:


An edible mediterranean fruit which resembles a tiny apple and is used for making preserves.

Usage examples:

Its companion piece, still life with pomegranates, apples, azaroles and grapes in a landscape, is o…

Meanings of Azeotrope:


A mixture of two liquids which has a constant boiling point and composition throughout distillation.

Usage examples:

Ethyl acetate and ethanol form azeotropes - liquids whose boiling point, and hence composition, doe…

Meanings of Azerbaijani:


Relating to azerbaijan or its people or their language.

Usage examples:

Yusuf, the son of azerbaijani parents, grew up britain and studied classical music at the royal aca…

A native or inhabitant of azerbaijan, or a person of azerbaijani descent.

Usage examples:

Under the russian empire, azerbaijanis were known collectively as tatars and/or muslims, together w…

Meanings of Azide:


A compound containing the anion n3− or the group —n3.

Meanings of Azides:


A compound containing the anion n3− or the group —n3.

Meanings of Azilian:


Relating to or denoting an early mesolithic culture in europe, succeeding the magdalenian and dated to about 11,500–9,500 years ago. it is characterized by flat bone harpoons, painted pebbles, and microliths.

Usage examples:

An azilian deposit was found containing painted pebbles

The period of an early mesolithic culture in europe, succeeding the magdalenian and dated to about 11,500–9,500 years ago.

Usage examples:

A few stone-tool forms which appear near the end of the magdalenian persist into the azilian

Meanings of Azimuth:


The direction of a celestial object from the observer, expressed as the angular distance from the north or south point of the horizon to the point at which a vertical circle passing through the object intersects the horizon.

Usage examples:

However, the clusters involved neighboring tree crowns that were progressively shorter in height in…

Meanings of Azimuths:


The direction of a celestial object from the observer, expressed as the angular distance from the north or south point of the horizon to the point at which a vertical circle passing through the object intersects the horizon.

Usage examples:

However, the clusters involved neighboring tree crowns that were progressively shorter in height in…

Meanings of Azine:


A cyclic organic compound having a ring including one or (usually) more nitrogen atoms.

Usage examples:

These compounds can be prepared from reduction of nitro compounds, by the action of nitric acid on …

Meanings of Azines:


A cyclic organic compound having a ring including one or (usually) more nitrogen atoms.

Usage examples:

These compounds can be prepared from reduction of nitro compounds, by the action of nitric acid on …

Meanings of Azo:


Containing two adjacent nitrogen atoms between carbon atoms.

Usage examples:


Meanings of Azobenzene:


A synthetic crystalline organic compound used chiefly in dye manufacture.

Usage examples:

Similar picosecond time constants and spectral signatures have been observed for the cooling of a n…

Meanings of Azocochineal:


A scarlet dye used for colouring food, made from the crushed dried bodies of a female scale insect.

Usage examples:

The same options were available for dyeing the wool or cotton, which could be achieved at home usin…

Meanings of Azoic:


Having no trace of life or organic remains.

Usage examples:

The manx naturalist edward forbes coined the word ‘azoic’ to describe this self-evidently lifeless …

Another term for archaean (adjective).

Meanings of Azonal:


(especially of soils) having no zonal organization or structure.

Usage examples:

The division into zonal, intrazonal, and azonal soils was the basis for the soil classification use…

Meanings of Azoospermia:


Absence of motile (and hence viable) sperm in the semen.

Usage examples:

Where the initial semen analysis reveals azoospermia a centrifuged sample should be examined for sp…

Meanings of Azores:

proper noun

A group of volcanic islands in the atlantic ocean, west of portugal, in portuguese possession but partially autonomous; population 244,780 (2007); capital, ponta delgada.

Meanings of Azorian:


Of or relating to the azores, a group of islands in the north atlantic ocean; designating these islands.


A native or inhabitant of the azores.

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