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English words starting with ane

Meanings of Ane:


Variant spelling of -an, usually with a distinction of sense (such as humane compared with human ) but sometimes with no corresponding form in -an (such as mundane ).

Meanings of Anear:


To come or be near to (someone or something); to approach, to near.


Near, close to.


In, or so as to be in, close proximity; near. frequently opposed to afar (now often humorously).

Meanings of Aneath:


Lower than; below; under; = "beneath".


At a lower level or position; below; underneath; = "beneath".

Meanings of Anecdota:


Secret, private, or hitherto unpublished episodes or details of history.

Meanings of Anecdotage:


Anecdotes collectively.

Usage examples:

A number of reports cannot be dismissed as anecdotage

Meanings of Anecdotal:


(of an account) not necessarily true or reliable, because based on personal accounts rather than facts or research.

Usage examples:

While there was much anecdotal evidence there was little hard fact

Meanings of Anecdotalism:


A propensity for telling anecdotes; (excessive) use of or reliance on anecdotes.

Meanings of Anecdotally:


According to or by means of personal accounts rather than facts or research.

Usage examples:

Such information is only available anecdotally

Meanings of Anecdote:


A short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.

Usage examples:

He told anecdotes about his job

Meanings of Anecdotes:


A short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.

Usage examples:

He told anecdotes about his job

Meanings of Anecdotical:


Of a person: that records or recounts anecdotes; given to telling anecdotes.

Meanings of Anecdotically:


In an anecdotal style; by means of, or with regard to, anecdotes; anecdotally.

Meanings of Anechoic:


Free from echo.

Usage examples:

An anechoic chamber

Meanings of Anelastic:


Of or relating to deformation of a material in which strain is not simply a function of stress and which is such that the material will return to its original shape once the load is removed. also: designating deformation of this kind, or a material that undergoes such deformation. compare "elastic", "inelastic".

Meanings of Anelasticity:


The property of being anelastic.

Meanings of Anele:


Anoint (someone), especially as part of the christian rite of giving extreme unction to the dying.

Usage examples:

A priest would anele those whose sickness threatened them with a speedy death

Meanings of Anelectrotonic:


Of, relating to, or of the nature of anelectrotonus; exhibiting anelectrotonus.

Meanings of Anelectrotonus:


Originally: a state of diminished excitability occurring in the part of a nerve or nerve fibre attached to the positive electrode when the nerve is stimulated by having an electric current passed through it. in later use also: hyperpolarization resulting from electrotonus. contrasted with "catelectrotonus". cf electrotonus .

Meanings of Aneled:


Anoint (someone), especially as part of the christian rite of giving extreme unction to the dying.

Usage examples:

A priest would anele those whose sickness threatened them with a speedy death

Meanings of Aneles:


Anoint (someone), especially as part of the christian rite of giving extreme unction to the dying.

Usage examples:

A priest would anele those whose sickness threatened them with a speedy death

Meanings of Aneling:


Anoint (someone), especially as part of the christian rite of giving extreme unction to the dying.

Usage examples:

A priest would anele those whose sickness threatened them with a speedy death

Meanings of Anelytrous:


†originally designating an order, variety, etc., of winged insects without elytra (i.e. not coleopterous) (obsolete). in later use designating a beetle without elytra.

Meanings of Anemia:


A condition in which there is a deficiency of red cells or of haemoglobin in the blood, resulting in pallor and weariness.

Usage examples:

For instance, if your fatigue is the result of anemia, blood transfusions may help.

Meanings of Anemic:


(of a person) suffering from anaemia.

Usage examples:

The doctor said you were a bit anaemic

A person suffering from anaemia.

Usage examples:

Cumin seeds are a rich source of iron and hence very beneficial for anaemics

Meanings of Anemious:


Exposed to wind; windswept.

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