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English words starting with ak

Meanings of Ak:


Alaska (in official postal use).

Meanings of Aka:


Also known as.

Usage examples:

John merrick, aka the elephant man

Meanings of Akali:


A member of a sikh political group.

Usage examples:

Political interference in religious matters of the sikh community by the akalis witnessed many unpl…

Meanings of Akan:


A member of a people inhabiting southern ghana and adjacent parts of côte d'ivoire (ivory coast).

Usage examples:

Mother earth holds great reverence for the akan; nature is believed to be a living thing.

Relating to the akan or their language.

Usage examples:

According to church leaders, all the members who were not part of the akan language group learned t…

Meanings of Akasha:


(in indian religion) a supposed all-pervading field in the ether in which a record of past events is imprinted.

Usage examples:

In hindu mysticism, lord murugan rides through the akasha on a peacock.

Meanings of Ake:


= akeake .

Meanings of Akeake:


Any of several shrubs or small trees sometimes used for their hard timber, especially the hop-bush, dodonaea viscosa (family sapindaceae), and any of several olearias (family asteraceae), as the daisy-tree olearia traversorium, endemic to the chatham islands.

Meanings of Akebia:


An east asian climbing shrub with purplish flowers and deeply divided leaves.

Usage examples:

Fiveleaf akebia is a vigorous vine that grows as a groundcover and climbs shrubs and trees by twini…

Meanings of Akee:


A tropical west african tree which is cultivated for its fruit and has been introduced into the caribbean and elsewhere.

Usage examples:

Using flashlights to look outside, it seems as if part of the ackee tree has fallen down.

Meanings of Akees:


A tropical west african tree which is cultivated for its fruit and has been introduced into the caribbean and elsewhere.

Usage examples:

Using flashlights to look outside, it seems as if part of the ackee tree has fallen down.

Meanings of Akela:


The adult leader of a group of cub scouts (officially termed cub scout leader ).

Meanings of Akelas:


The adult leader of a group of cub scouts (officially termed cub scout leader ).

Meanings of Akhara:


In india: a wrestling ring or pit; a gymnasium or outdoor exercise area.

Meanings of Akhoond:


Especially in iran (formerly persia), pakistan, and afghanistan: a religious leader, teacher, or scholar.

Meanings of Akhund:


Especially in iran (formerly persia), pakistan, and afghanistan: a religious leader, teacher, or scholar.

Meanings of Akia:


A cloth bag believed to contain earth or dust, shown in the hands of some eastern roman emperors and consuls on coins and medals.

Meanings of Akimbo:


With hands on the hips and elbows turned outwards.

Usage examples:

She stood with arms akimbo, frowning at the small boy

(of arms or legs) stretched out fully

Usage examples:

A man with arms akimbo is balancing an enormous metal dish on his head., the dancers balance on the…



Meanings of Akin:


Of similar character.

Usage examples:

Something akin to gratitude overwhelmed her

Meanings of Akindle:


Alight, burning.

Meanings of Akinesia:


Loss or impairment of the power of voluntary movement.

Usage examples:

Slowness - bradykinesia (slow movement) and akinesia (inability to move) are common in people with …

Meanings of Akinesic:


Of a medicine or its action: preventing muscular movement, paralysing; = "akinetic".

Meanings of Akinesis:


= "akinesia". in early use also: †any of a group of neurological disorders characterized by muscle weakness or paralysis (obsolete).

Meanings of Akinete:


In certain algae and cyanobacteria: a thick-walled non-motile resting cell or spore, formed asexually without division by the differentiation of a vegetative cell.

Meanings of Akinetic:


A genetic disease that causes uncontrollable physical movements and eventual dementia. it is a form of huntington's disease that starts before the age of 20 and progresses rapidly

Meanings of Akka:


A piastre. historical in later use.

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