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English words starting with ah



Meanings of Ah:


Used to express a range of emotions including surprise, pleasure, sympathy, and realization.

Usage examples:

Ah, there you are!

In the year of the hegira (used in the muslim calendar for reckoning years from muhammad's departure from mecca in ad 622); of the muslim era.

Usage examples:

A koran dated 556 ah

Meanings of Aha:


Used to express satisfaction, triumph, or surprise.

Usage examples:

Aha! so that's your secret plan!

Short for alpha-hydroxy acid.

Meanings of Aha moment:


A moment of sudden insight or discovery.

Usage examples:

He had an aha moment when looking at my medications past and present

Meanings of Ahchoo:


To make the sound ‘achoo’; to sneeze.


Representing the sound of a sneeze.


An exclamation of ‘achoo’; a sneeze.

Meanings of Ahead:


Further forward in space; in the line of one's forward motion.

Usage examples:

The road ahead

Meanings of Ahead-of-oneself:


To do something too early, or before you are ready or prepared

Usage examples:

That last game suggests that we have been getting ahead of ourselves in praising the team's progres…

Meanings of Ahead-of-schedule:



Usage examples:

We expect the building work to be completed ahead of schedule., the project came in several months …

Meanings of Ahead-of-the-curve:


(especially of a business or politician) ahead of current thinking or trends.

Usage examples:

We are continually looking for ways to stay ahead of the curve and provide added value to our consu…

To be one of the first to change to a new idea or way of doing something that later becomes generally popular

Usage examples:

In equipping its vehicles with mobile wifi, the company was ahead of the curve., he was ahead of th…

Meanings of Ahead-of-the-game:


Ahead of one's competitors or peers in the same sphere of activity.

Usage examples:

This investment is needed if we are to stay ahead of the game

To know more about the most recent developments in a particular subject or activity than the people or companies you are competing against

Usage examples:

A very extensive research and development programme ensures that we're ahead of the game.

Meanings of Aheap:


Into a heap. frequently "to fall aheap".

Meanings of Aheight:


At or to a height; above, aloft.

Meanings of Ahem:


Used to represent the noise made when clearing the throat, typically to attract attention or express disapproval or embarrassment.

Usage examples:

Ahem, excuse me

Meanings of Ahi:


(in hawaii) a large tuna, especially as an item of food.

Usage examples:

Nowadays, local master chefs each have their own way of preparing the celebrated ahi,, cooked tatak…

Meanings of Ahimsa:


(in the hindu, buddhist, and jainist tradition) respect for all living things and avoidance of violence towards others.

Usage examples:

Since hindu religion teaches us ahimsa - noninjury - this principle should be equally applied to ev…

Meanings of Ahind:





Meanings of Ahistoric:


Not historic; unrelated to or unconcerned with history or historical events.

Meanings of Ahistorical:


Lacking historical perspective or context.

Usage examples:

Ahistorical nostalgia that misunderstands cultural history

Meanings of Ahmadi:


A follower of the ahmadiyya movement.

Usage examples:

His friend was interested in ahmadiyya and found out that the claimant was an ahmadi.

Meanings of Ahold:


So as to hold on to someone or something; with a firm hold or grip. chiefly with of.

Meanings of Ahom:


Of, relating to, or designating an ancient tai language once spoken in assam but now confined to written texts and ceremonial contexts.


A member of the ahom people.

Meanings of Ahorse:


On horseback.

Meanings of Ahorseback:


On horseback.

Meanings of Ahousaht:


Of, belonging to, or designating the ahousaht, the principal group of nuu-chah-nulth living around clayoquot sound on the west coast of vancouver island, british columbia, canada.


A member of this group.

Meanings of Ahoy:


A call used to greet someone or draw attention to something from a distance.

Usage examples:

Ahoy there!

Meanings of Ahriman:

proper noun

The evil spirit in the doctrine of zoroastrianism, the opponent of ahura mazda.

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