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Meanings of Chickadee:


A north american titmouse, in particular: the black-capped chickadee ( parus atricapillus ), with distinctive black cap and throat, and the similar but smaller carolina chickadee ( p. carolinensis ).

Meanings of Chickadees:


A north american titmouse, in particular: the black-capped chickadee ( parus atricapillus ), with distinctive black cap and throat, and the similar but smaller carolina chickadee ( p. carolinensis ).

Meanings of Chickaree:


A squirrel with red fur, found in the coniferous forests of north america.

Usage examples:

The trail rambles gently through dry lodgepoles alive with chickarees and golden-mantled ground squ…

Meanings of Chickasaw:


A member of a north american people formerly resident in mississippi and alabama, and now in oklahoma.

Usage examples:

The same is true with respect to the other four ‘civilized tribes ‘- choctaws, chickasaws, creeks a…

Relating to the chickasaw or their language.

Usage examples:

Taking choctaw conceptions of the world seriously, he utilizes the available choctaw and chickasaw …

Meanings of Chickasaws:


A member of a north american people formerly resident in mississippi and alabama, and now in oklahoma.

Usage examples:

The same is true with respect to the other four ‘civilized tribes ‘- choctaws, chickasaws, creeks a…

Relating to the chickasaw or their language.

Usage examples:

Taking choctaw conceptions of the world seriously, he utilizes the available choctaw and chickasaw …

Meanings of Chickee:


Used as a term of endearment, especially for a child or woman.

Meanings of Chicken:


A domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat, especially a young one.

Usage examples:

Rationing was still in force and most people kept chickens


Usage examples:

I was too chicken to go to court

Withdraw from or fail in something through lack of nerve.

Usage examples:

The referee chickened out of giving a penalty

Meanings of Chicken-out:

phrasal verb

Remove oneself from an obligation

Meanings of Chicken-run:


To be very busy doing a lot of things, but in a way that is not very effective

Meanings of Chickenbreasted:


Having a protruding chest or abnormally angulated sternum.

Meanings of Chickened:


Withdraw from or fail in something through lack of nerve.

Usage examples:

The referee chickened out of giving a penalty

A domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat, especially a young one.

Usage examples:

Rationing was still in force and most people kept chickens


Usage examples:

I was too chicken to go to court
phrasal verb

To decide not to do something because you are too frightened

Usage examples:

We were going to go bungee jumping, but sandra chickened out at the last minute.

Meanings of Chickenhood:


The state or condition of being a chicken or young bird; the early period of a bird's life.

Meanings of Chickening:


Withdraw from or fail in something through lack of nerve.

Usage examples:

The referee chickened out of giving a penalty

A domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat, especially a young one.

Usage examples:

Rationing was still in force and most people kept chickens


Usage examples:

I was too chicken to go to court



Meanings of Chickenpox:


An infectious disease causing a mild fever and a rash of itchy inflamed pimples which turn to blisters and then loose scabs. it is caused by the herpes zoster virus and mainly affects children.

Usage examples:

Viruses including flu, herpes, measles and chickenpox can cause pneumonia.

Meanings of Chickens:


A domestic fowl kept for its eggs or meat, especially a young one.

Usage examples:

Rationing was still in force and most people kept chickens

Withdraw from or fail in something through lack of nerve.

Usage examples:

The referee chickened out of giving a penalty


Usage examples:

I was too chicken to go to court

Meanings of Chickens-come-home-to-roost:


If a past action, mistake, etc. comes home to roost, it causes problems at a later date, especially when this is expected or seems deserved

Usage examples:

All his earlier mistakes are coming home to roost., we're dealing with decades of bad decisions tha…

Meanings of Chickenshit:


Worthless or contemptible (used as a general term of abuse).

Usage examples:

No more chickenshit excuses

A worthless or contemptible person.

Meanings of Chickenweed:


Common chickweed, stellaria media. in early use also (usually with distinguishing word): †any of various other plants related to or thought to resemble this (obsolete).

Meanings of Chickenwort:


Common chickweed, stellaria media.

Meanings of Chicker:


Especially of a bird or other small animal: to give a call consisting of repeated light tremulous sounds.

Meanings of Chickhood:


The state or condition of being a chick or young bird; the early period of a bird's life.

Meanings of Chickpea:


A round yellowish edible seed, widely used as a pulse.

Usage examples:

Cut back and focus on getting more of your protein from vegetables like chickpeas and lima beans.

Meanings of Chickpeas:


A round yellowish edible seed, widely used as a pulse.

Usage examples:

Cut back and focus on getting more of your protein from vegetables like chickpeas and lima beans.

Meanings of Chicks:


A young bird, especially one newly hatched.

Usage examples:

The cattle egrets hatched and reared two chicks

Meanings of Chickweed:


A small, widespread, white-flowered plant of the pink family, often growing as a garden weed, and sometimes eaten by poultry.

Usage examples:

Some weeds, such as chickweed, common groundsel, and bittercress, may germinate and grow at almost …

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