All English words - page 895
Meanings of Centriciput:
nounThe middle part of the head; that part of the head which lies between the sinciput and the occiput.
Meanings of Centricity:
combining formIn nouns corresponding to adjectives ending in -centric (such as ethnocentricity corresponding to ethnocentric ).
Meanings of Centrifugal:
adjectiveMoving or tending to move away from a centre.
Usage examples:
Einstein warmed to the idea that the gravitational field of the rest of the universe might explain …
Meanings of Centrifugalise:
verbTo subject to centrifugation; = "centrifuge". occasionally also without object: to perform centrifugation.
Meanings of Centrifugalize:
verbTo subject to centrifugation; = "centrifuge". occasionally also without object: to perform centrifugation.
Meanings of Centrifugalized:
verbTo subject to centrifugation; = "centrifuge". occasionally also without object: to perform centrifugation.
Meanings of Centrifugalizing:
verbTo subject to centrifugation; = "centrifuge". occasionally also without object: to perform centrifugation.
Meanings of Centrifugate:
nounMaterial separated from a mixture or suspension by means of centrifugation; especially supernatant fluid produced by centrifugation.
verbTo move or be moved away from the centre, as through the action of centrifugal force.
Meanings of Centrifugation:
nounThe action or process of using a centrifuge, typically to separate fluids of different densities or liquids from solids.
Usage examples:
The cells were harvested by centrifugation
Meanings of Centrifuge:
nounA machine with a rapidly rotating container that applies centrifugal force to its contents, typically to separate fluids of different densities (e.g. cream from milk) or liquids from solids.
Usage examples:
In simple terms this demands the construction either of large, slowly rotating vehicles or small, r…
verbSubject to the action of a centrifuge.
Usage examples:
The cells were centrifuged and subjected to a mild hypotonic treatment (0.56% ammonium oxalate).
Meanings of Centrifuged:
verbSubject to the action of a centrifuge.
Usage examples:
The cells were centrifuged and subjected to a mild hypotonic treatment (0.56% ammonium oxalate).
nounA machine with a rapidly rotating container that applies centrifugal force to its contents, typically to separate fluids of different densities (e.g. cream from milk) or liquids from solids.
Usage examples:
In simple terms this demands the construction either of large, slowly rotating vehicles or small, r…
Meanings of Centrifugence:
nounThe tendency of a body or substance to move or be driven away from a central point, especially as a result of centrifugation.
Meanings of Centrifuges:
nounA machine with a rapidly rotating container that applies centrifugal force to its contents, typically to separate fluids of different densities (e.g. cream from milk) or liquids from solids.
Usage examples:
In simple terms this demands the construction either of large, slowly rotating vehicles or small, r…
verbSubject to the action of a centrifuge.
Usage examples:
The cells were centrifuged and subjected to a mild hypotonic treatment (0.56% ammonium oxalate).
Meanings of Centrifuging:
verbSubject to the action of a centrifuge.
Usage examples:
The cells were centrifuged and subjected to a mild hypotonic treatment (0.56% ammonium oxalate).
nounA machine with a rapidly rotating container that applies centrifugal force to its contents, typically to separate fluids of different densities (e.g. cream from milk) or liquids from solids.
Usage examples:
In simple terms this demands the construction either of large, slowly rotating vehicles or small, r…
Meanings of Centring:
nounThe action or process of placing something in the middle of something else.
Usage examples:
I love the intensity of a whirlpool's centring of things.
verbOccur mainly in or around (a specified place).
Usage examples:
The textile industry was centred in lancashire and yorkshire
Meanings of Centriole:
nounEach of a pair of minute cylindrical organelles near the nucleus in animal cells, involved in the development of spindle fibres in cell division.
Usage examples:
In most animal cells, the centrosome contains a pair of centrioles, which consist of an array of mi…
Meanings of Centripetal:
adjectiveMoving or tending to move towards a centre.
Usage examples:
But as soon as they are seen from any distance, they erupt into pulsing centripetal and centrifugal…
Meanings of Centripetalism:
nounMovement or tendency towards the centre; tendency to centralize; centralization.
Meanings of Centripetence:
nounMovement or tendency towards the centre; = centripetency .
Meanings of Centripetency:
nounMovement or tendency toward the centre.
Meanings of Centrism:
nounPolitical beliefs or policies that are at the centre of the range of political opinions
Usage examples:
His strategy generally values consensus and centrism over ideology., the new prime minister was urg…
Meanings of Centrist:
adjectiveHaving moderate political views or policies.
Usage examples:
A centrist politician
nounA person who holds moderate political views.
Usage examples:
But the fact that the christian democrats and the centrists managed to put something like that toge…
Meanings of Centrists:
nounA person who holds moderate political views.
Usage examples:
But the fact that the christian democrats and the centrists managed to put something like that toge…
adjectiveHaving moderate political views or policies.
Usage examples:
A centrist politician
Meanings of Centroacinar:
adjectiveLocated in the centre of an acinus, especially of the pancreas.
Meanings of Centrobaric:
adjectiveOf a body: having the property that the gravitational force exerted upon it by any other body can be modelled by a single force acting upon a single fixed point.
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