All English words - page 893
Meanings of Centipede:
nounA predatory myriapod invertebrate with a flattened elongated body composed of many segments. most segments bear a single pair of legs, the front pair being modified as poison fangs.
Usage examples:
Some arthropods, like the centipedes, millipedes, and insects, have legs with a single branch (unir…
Meanings of Centipedes:
nounA predatory myriapod invertebrate with a flattened elongated body composed of many segments. most segments bear a single pair of legs, the front pair being modified as poison fangs.
Usage examples:
Some arthropods, like the centipedes, millipedes, and insects, have legs with a single branch (unir…
Meanings of Centipoise:
nounA unit of dynamic viscosity, equal to one hundredth of a poise, or 0.001 pascal second. symbol cp.
Meanings of Centistoke:
nounA unit of kinematic viscosity, equal to one hundredth of a stokes, or 1 square millimetre per second. symbol cst.
Meanings of Centner:
nounAny of various units of weight equal to approximately one hundred pounds, especially such units used in germany and the baltic sea region. compare "hundredweight".
Meanings of Centners:
nounAny of various units of weight equal to approximately one hundred pounds, especially such units used in germany and the baltic sea region. compare "hundredweight".
Meanings of Cento:
nounA literary work made up of quotations from other authors.
Usage examples:
This passage is another characteristic cento of references to different dante texts, although this …
Meanings of Centonism:
nounThe action or practice of incorporating pre-existing elements into a literary composition or other work; an example of this.
Meanings of Centos:
nounA literary work made up of quotations from other authors.
Usage examples:
This passage is another characteristic cento of references to different dante texts, although this …
Meanings of Centra:
nounThe solid central part of a vertebra, to which the arches and processes are attached.
Usage examples:
On the dorsal side of the centrum is the neural arch, through which the nerve cord or spinal cord p…
Meanings of Centrad:
adverbTo or towards the centre; inwards, away from the periphery. opposed to peripherad .
Meanings of Central:
adjectiveAt the point or in the area that is in the middle of something.
Usage examples:
The station has a central courtyard
nounA place with a high concentration of a specified type of person or thing.
Usage examples:
You're in workaholic central here
Meanings of Centralia:
noun(a name for) the central area of australia, especially the region around alice springs.
Meanings of Centralisation:
nounThe concentration of control of an activity or organization under a single authority.
Usage examples:
The centralization of all financial power in the hands of its leaders
Meanings of Centralise:
verbConcentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority.
Usage examples:
One of his first actions was to centralize control of the company's operations
ˈsentrəlaɪzdMeanings of Centralised:
verbConcentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority.
Usage examples:
One of his first actions was to centralize control of the company's operations
adjective(of an activity or organization) controlled by a single authority or managed in one place.
Usage examples:
This accounting system will complement centralized operations, unlike the system that reinforced di…
Meanings of Centralising:
verbConcentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority.
Usage examples:
One of his first actions was to centralize control of the company's operations
Meanings of Centralism:
nounThe control of different activities and organizations under a single authority.
Usage examples:
The campaign against perceived european centralism
Meanings of Centralist:
nounA person who advocates the control of different activities and organizations under a single authority.
Usage examples:
Political struggles between centralists and federalists
adjectiveRelating to or advocating the control of different activities and organizations under a single authority.
Usage examples:
A centralist approach to education
Meanings of Centralistic:
adjectiveTypical of a centralist or centralists; characterized by centralism.
Meanings of Centralists:
nounA person who advocates the control of different activities and organizations under a single authority.
Usage examples:
Political struggles between centralists and federalists
adjectiveRelating to or advocating the control of different activities and organizations under a single authority.
Usage examples:
A centralist approach to education
Meanings of Centrality:
nounThe quality or fact of being in the middle of somewhere or something.
Usage examples:
He believes that the location's centrality can only be an added advantage for guests
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