All English words - page 841
Meanings of Cardiograms:
nounA record of muscle activity within the heart made by a cardiograph.
Usage examples:
The most common primary indications for emergency caesarean were presumed fetal compromise, intraut…
Meanings of Cardiograph:
nounAn instrument for recording heart muscle activity, such as an electrocardiograph.
Usage examples:
Wagner's company, which produces a range of high-technology devices, including cardiographs and pat…
Meanings of Cardiographs:
nounAn instrument for recording heart muscle activity, such as an electrocardiograph.
Usage examples:
Wagner's company, which produces a range of high-technology devices, including cardiographs and pat…
Meanings of Cardiography:
nounThe use of a machine to record the beating of the heart
Meanings of Cardioid:
nounA heart-shaped curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle as it rolls around another identical circle.
Usage examples:
M is the point of the moving circle that traces the cardioid.
adjectiveOf the shape of a cardioid.
Usage examples:
A similar procedure can be used for the intersection points on the cardioid shape and the outer gre…
Meanings of Cardioids:
nounA heart-shaped curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle as it rolls around another identical circle.
Usage examples:
M is the point of the moving circle that traces the cardioid.
adjectiveOf the shape of a cardioid.
Usage examples:
A similar procedure can be used for the intersection points on the cardioid shape and the outer gre…
Meanings of Cardiological:
adjectiveRelating to the heart and medical conditions of the heart
Usage examples:
A cardiological evaluation/examination/assessment, it is a rare cardiological defect.
Meanings of Cardiologist:
nounA doctor who specializes in the study or treatment of heart diseases and heart abnormalities.
Usage examples:
If you have chest pains i suggest you see a cardiologist
Meanings of Cardiologists:
nounA doctor who specializes in the study or treatment of heart diseases and heart abnormalities.
Usage examples:
If you have chest pains i suggest you see a cardiologist
Meanings of Cardiology:
nounThe branch of medicine that deals with diseases and abnormalities of the heart.
Usage examples:
Projects spanned a range of specialties - dermatology, psychiatry, respiratory medicine, cardiology…
Meanings of Cardiomegaly:
nounAbnormal enlargement of the heart.
Usage examples:
A physical examination showed stable vital signs but severe cardiomegaly and congestive heart failu…
Meanings of Cardiomyopathy:
nounChronic disease of the heart muscle.
Usage examples:
Thus, we now have the possibility to discover disease genes that cause cardiomyopathy and heart fai…
Meanings of Cardiopathy:
nounHeart disease.
Usage examples:
A 77-year-old man with a previous history of bilateral inguinal hernias in childhood and ischemic c…
Meanings of Cardioplegia:
nounThe deliberate temporary stopping of the heart, typically to permit heart surgery.
Usage examples:
The procedure is performed on a beating heart, thus avoiding cardioplegia
Meanings of Cardiopulmonary:
adjectiveRelating to the heart and the lungs.
Usage examples:
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Meanings of Cardiorespiratory:
adjectiveRelating to the action of both heart and lungs.
Usage examples:
Cardiorespiratory problems
Meanings of Cardiovascular:
adjectiveRelating to the heart and blood vessels.
Usage examples:
Increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease
Meanings of Carditis:
nounInflammation of the heart.
Usage examples:
The hallmarks of rheumatic fever include arthritis, carditis, cutaneous disease, chorea, and subseq…
Meanings of Cardoon:
nounA tall thistle-like southern european plant related to the globe artichoke, with leaves and roots that may be used as vegetables.
Usage examples:
A tabletop glows with help from simple arrangements of gilded eucalyptus leaves, allium seed heads,…
Meanings of Cardoons:
nounA tall thistle-like southern european plant related to the globe artichoke, with leaves and roots that may be used as vegetables.
Usage examples:
A tabletop glows with help from simple arrangements of gilded eucalyptus leaves, allium seed heads,…
Meanings of Cardroom:
nounA room for playing cards.
Usage examples:
A comfortable lounge with tv, card room and bar
Meanings of Cards:
nounA piece of thick, stiff paper or thin pasteboard, in particular one used for writing or printing on.
Usage examples:
Some notes jotted down on a card
verbShort for expansion card.
Meanings of Cardsharp:
nounA person who cheats at cards in order to win money.
Meanings of Cardsharps:
nounA person who cheats at cards in order to win money.
Meanings of Care:
nounThe provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something.
Usage examples:
The care of the elderly
verbFeel concern or interest; attach importance to something.
Usage examples:
They don't care about human life
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