All English words - page 836
Meanings of Carbonification:
nounConversion of organic matter into coal or carbon.
Meanings of Carbonify:
verbTo reduce to carbon; to convert into coal or charcoal.
Meanings of Carbonisation:
nounThe process of changing or being changed into carbon, by burning, heating, or during fossilization (= the process of being preserved in rock over a long period)
Usage examples:
Blackening or charring is carbonization, and makes your steak taste like charcoal, so avoid it., so…
Meanings of Carbonise:
verbConvert or be converted into carbon or charcoal, typically by heating or burning or during fossilization.
Usage examples:
The process occurs when trees are carbonized by intensely hot forest fires
Meanings of Carbonised:
adjectiveConverted into carbon or charcoal, typically by heating or burning or during fossilization.
Usage examples:
Carbonized foodstuffs discovered during excavations at the ancient town of herculaneum
Meanings of Carbonising:
verbConvert or be converted into carbon or charcoal, typically by heating or burning or during fossilization.
Usage examples:
The process occurs when trees are carbonized by intensely hot forest fires
Meanings of Carbonite:
nounA natural coke-like material, typically formed by the action of igneous intrusions on bituminous coal deposits.
Meanings of Carbonitride:
nounA compound of carbon and nitrogen with another element, typically a metal.
Meanings of Carbonization:
nounThe process of changing or being changed into carbon, by burning, heating, or during fossilization (= the process of being preserved in rock over a long period)
Usage examples:
Blackening or charring is carbonization, and makes your steak taste like charcoal, so avoid it., so…
Meanings of Carbonize:
verbConvert or be converted into carbon or charcoal, typically by heating or burning or during fossilization.
Usage examples:
The process occurs when trees are carbonized by intensely hot forest fires
Meanings of Carbonized:
adjectiveConverted into carbon or charcoal, typically by heating or burning or during fossilization.
Usage examples:
Carbonized foodstuffs discovered during excavations at the ancient town of herculaneum
verbConvert or be converted into carbon or charcoal, typically by heating or burning or during fossilization.
Usage examples:
The process occurs when trees are carbonized by intensely hot forest fires
Meanings of Carbonizer:
nounAn apparatus, container, or substance used for carbonizing something.
Meanings of Carbonizers:
nounAn apparatus, container, or substance used for carbonizing something.
Meanings of Carbonizes:
verbConvert or be converted into carbon or charcoal, typically by heating or burning or during fossilization.
Usage examples:
The process occurs when trees are carbonized by intensely hot forest fires
Meanings of Carbonizing:
verbConvert or be converted into carbon or charcoal, typically by heating or burning or during fossilization.
Usage examples:
The process occurs when trees are carbonized by intensely hot forest fires
Meanings of Carbonometer:
nounAn instrument for detecting or measuring (excess) carbon dioxide in air.
Meanings of Carbonous:
adjectiveOf the nature of or resembling coal or charcoal.
Meanings of Carbons:
nounA chemical element that is contained in all animals and plants, and that is an important part of other substances such as coal and oil, and exists in its pure form as diamonds and graphite
Meanings of Carbonyl:
nounOf or denoting the divalent radical =c=o, present in such organic compounds as aldehydes, ketones, amides, and esters, and in organic acids as part of the carboxyl group.
Usage examples:
Carbonyl compounds
Meanings of Carbonylation:
nounThe introduction of a carbonyl group into a compound.
Meanings of Carbonyls:
nounOf or denoting the divalent radical =c=o, present in such organic compounds as aldehydes, ketones, amides, and esters, and in organic acids as part of the carboxyl group.
Usage examples:
Carbonyl compounds
Meanings of Carborundum:
nounA very hard black solid consisting of silicon carbide, used as an abrasive.
Usage examples:
A compound known as silicon carbide, also known as carborundum, is one of the hardest substances kn…
Meanings of Carbostyril:
nounA crystalline compound produced by the oxidation of quinoline; any of the substituted derivatives of this compound, some of which have pharmacological activity.
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