All English words - page 647
Meanings of Boches:
nounA german, especially a soldier.
Meanings of Bochur:
nounA boy or young man; specifically a student of talmudic and rabbinical writings at a yeshiva.
Meanings of Bock:
nounA strong, dark german beer.
Usage examples:
Extra strong ales and lagers, bock beer, adam bier, and barley wine are the brandy, cognac, and por…
Meanings of Bocks:
nounA strong, dark german beer.
Usage examples:
Extra strong ales and lagers, bock beer, adam bier, and barley wine are the brandy, cognac, and por…
Meanings of Bod:
nounA body.
Usage examples:
A line-up of stunning bods
abbreviationBiochemical oxygen demand.
Meanings of Bodach:
nounA man, especially a peasant or an old man.
Usage examples:
As for spines, you'll be amazed at some of the positions some of us old bodachs can get into.
Meanings of Bodacious:
adjectiveExcellent, admirable, or attractive.
Usage examples:
Bodacious babes
Meanings of Boddhisattva:
noun(in mahayana buddhism) a person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so through compassion for suffering beings.
Usage examples:
Realizing the intensity of suffering of all living beings in samsara, bodhisattvas have developed l…
Meanings of Bode:
verbBe a portent of a particular outcome.
Usage examples:
Their argument did not bode well for the future
Meanings of Boded:
verbBe a portent of a particular outcome.
Usage examples:
Their argument did not bode well for the future
Meanings of Bodega:
noun(in a spanish-speaking country) a wine shop or wine cellar.
Meanings of Bodegas:
noun(in a spanish-speaking country) a wine shop or wine cellar.
Meanings of Bodes:
verbBe a portent of a particular outcome.
Usage examples:
Their argument did not bode well for the future
bɒdʒMeanings of Bodge:
verbMake or repair (something) badly or clumsily.
Usage examples:
The door was bodged together from old planks
noun→ botch
Meanings of Bodger:
nounA person who makes or repairs something badly or clumsily.
Usage examples:
Those well enough off to employ a professional electrician will continue to do so, and the lethal b…
adjectiveAnother term for bodgie.
Meanings of Bodgie:
nounA youth, especially of the 1950s, analogous to the british teddy boy.
Usage examples:
It had fed bodgies and sailors and long-haired louts imitating the beatles, as well as those kissin…
adjectiveWorthless or inferior; false.
Usage examples:
A bodgie second-hand car with bodgie number plates
Meanings of Bodhi:
nounA fig tree native to india and se asia, regarded as sacred by buddhists.
Meanings of Bodhisattva:
noun(in mahayana buddhism) a person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so through compassion for suffering beings.
Usage examples:
Realizing the intensity of suffering of all living beings in samsara, bodhisattvas have developed l…
Meanings of Bodhisattwa:
noun(in mahayana buddhism) a person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so through compassion for suffering beings.
Usage examples:
Realizing the intensity of suffering of all living beings in samsara, bodhisattvas have developed l…
Meanings of Bodice:
nounThe close-fitting upper part of a dress, covering the chest and back above the waist.
Usage examples:
The bride wore an ivory strapless satin dress with a sweetheart bodice, shoulder-length veil, full …
Meanings of Bodices:
nounThe close-fitting upper part of a dress, covering the chest and back above the waist.
Usage examples:
The bride wore an ivory strapless satin dress with a sweetheart bodice, shoulder-length veil, full …
Meanings of Bodied:
adjectiveHaving a body or trunk, typically of a specified kind.
Usage examples:
We are bodied beings
verbGive material form to something abstract.
Usage examples:
He bodied forth the traditional prussian remedy for all ills
suffixHaving a particular type of body
Usage examples:
A long-bodied insect, a soft-bodied doll, a medium-bodied wine
Meanings of Bodies:
nounThe physical structure, including the bones, flesh, and organs, of a person or an animal.
Usage examples:
It's important to keep your body in good condition
verbGive material form to something abstract.
Usage examples:
He bodied forth the traditional prussian remedy for all ills
Meanings of Bodiless:
adjectiveLacking a body.
Usage examples:
A bodiless head
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