All English words - page 6219
nounInability to be relied upon or trusted.
Usage examples:
She causes havoc in the office because of her unreliability
adjectiveNot able to be relied upon.
Usage examples:
He's lazy and unreliable
adjectiveThat cannot be relieved.
ˌʌn.rɪˈliːvdadjectiveLacking variation or change; monotonous.
Usage examples:
Flowing gowns of unrelieved black
adverbIn a way that is continuous and never improves
Usage examples:
Voters' views of the government are unrelievedly negative., she does not disguise how unrelievedly …
adjectiveIndifferent or hostile to religion.
Usage examples:
An unreligious idea
adjectiveThat cannot be relinquished.
adverbWithout relinquishing something; in a manner that prevents relinquishment.
adjectiveThat has not been relinquished.
adjectiveThat cannot be relished; flavourless; unpalatable.
adjectiveNot relished; not enjoyed, appreciated, or savoured.
adjectiveLacking in flavour or savour; unappetizing, unpalatable.
adjectiveNot reluctant; ungrudging; willing, ready.
adverbNot reluctantly; willingly; enthusiastically.
adjectiveNot particularly interesting or surprising.
Usage examples:
His early childhood was unremarkable
adjectiveNot mentioned or remarked upon; unnoticed.
Usage examples:
She let his bitterness go unremarked
adjectiveNot remarried.
adjectiveNot remedied.
verbTo fail or omit to remember; to forget.
adjectiveNot rememberable, unmemorable.
adjectiveNot remembered; forgotten.
Usage examples:
They lived according to social codes now utterly unremembered
adjectiveNot remembering; forgetting, forgetful; unmindful.
nounThe action or fact of forgetting or not remembering; lack or failure of recollection.
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