All English words - page 6146
Meanings of Understudies:
noun(in the theatre) a person who learns another's role in order to be able to act at short notice in their absence.
Usage examples:
He has played as understudy to celtic's usual goalkeeper
verbStudy (a role or actor) as an understudy.
Usage examples:
He had to understudy prospero
Meanings of Understudy:
noun(in the theatre) a person who learns another's role in order to be able to act at short notice in their absence.
Usage examples:
He has played as understudy to celtic's usual goalkeeper
verbStudy (a role or actor) as an understudy.
Usage examples:
He had to understudy prospero
Meanings of Understudying:
verbStudy (a role or actor) as an understudy.
Usage examples:
He had to understudy prospero
noun(in the theatre) a person who learns another's role in order to be able to act at short notice in their absence.
Usage examples:
He has played as understudy to celtic's usual goalkeeper
Meanings of Undersupplies:
nounAn insufficient stock or amount of something.
Usage examples:
Soaring construction levels resulted in a global undersupply of steel
Meanings of Undersupply:
nounAn insufficient stock or amount of something.
Usage examples:
Soaring construction levels resulted in a global undersupply of steel
Meanings of Undersurface:
nounThe lower or under surface of something.
Usage examples:
By pulling up, the pilot may be able to protect more vulnerable parts of the aircraft such as the c…
Meanings of Underswell:
nounAn undercurrent.
Usage examples:
While this consensus was emerging at the top, there was a developing underswell of protest in the p…
Meanings of Undertake:
verbCommit oneself to and begin (an enterprise or responsibility); take on.
Usage examples:
A firm of builders undertook the construction work
Meanings of Undertaken:
verbCommit oneself to and begin (an enterprise or responsibility); take on.
Usage examples:
A firm of builders undertook the construction work
Meanings of Undertaker:
nounA person whose business is preparing dead bodies for burial or cremation and making arrangements for funerals.
Usage examples:
All burials and cremations are arranged by professional undertakers.
Meanings of Undertakers:
nounA person whose business is preparing dead bodies for burial or cremation and making arrangements for funerals.
Usage examples:
All burials and cremations are arranged by professional undertakers.
Meanings of Undertakes:
verbCommit oneself to and begin (an enterprise or responsibility); take on.
Usage examples:
A firm of builders undertook the construction work
Meanings of Undertaking:
nounA formal pledge or promise to do something.
Usage examples:
I give an undertaking that we shall proceed with the legislation
verbCommit oneself to and begin (an enterprise or responsibility); take on.
Usage examples:
A firm of builders undertook the construction work
Meanings of Undertakings:
nounA formal pledge or promise to do something.
Usage examples:
I give an undertaking that we shall proceed with the legislation
Meanings of Undertenant:
nounA subtenant.
Usage examples:
They are concerned about the loss made by the proposed undertenant and the low value of the net wor…
Meanings of Underthings:
plural nounUnderclothes.
Usage examples:
‘you could at least turn your back,’ her cheeks were faintly red as the dress dropped to the floor,…
Meanings of Underthrust:
verbForce (a crustal plate or other body of rock) beneath another formation.
Usage examples:
The farallon plate was being underthrust beneath the north american plate
nounAn instance of one crustal plate or other body of rock being forced underneath another.
Usage examples:
The westward underthrust of the pacific ocean plate
Meanings of Undertint:
nounA subdued or delicate tint.
Usage examples:
The details are empathized without affecting the undertints and the gradation of the colors.
Meanings of Undertone:
nounA subdued or muted tone of sound or colour.
Usage examples:
They were talking in undertones
ˈʌn.də.təʊnMeanings of Undertones:
nounA subdued or muted tone of sound or colour.
Usage examples:
They were talking in undertones
Meanings of Undertook:
verbCommit oneself to and begin (an enterprise or responsibility); take on.
Usage examples:
A firm of builders undertook the construction work
Past simple of undertake formal
Meanings of Undertow:
nounA current of water below the surface and moving in a different direction from any surface current.
Usage examples:
I was swept away by the undertow
Meanings of Undertows:
nounA current of water below the surface and moving in a different direction from any surface current.
Usage examples:
I was swept away by the undertow
ʌndəˈtreɪndMeanings of Undertrained:
adjective(of a person) with insufficient training for a job, sport, etc.
Usage examples:
Few athletes are undertrained, but unfortunately, many are overtrained, often erroneously believing…
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