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Meanings of Trumpetfish:
nounAn elongated marine fish with a long, narrow snout, resembling a pipefish. it lives around reefs and rocks in tropical waters and typically hangs in a semi-vertical position.
Usage examples:
Almost every day, we snorkel off a different island, dazzled by the brilliant, seemingly abundant s…
Meanings of Trumpetfishes:
nounAn elongated marine fish with a long, narrow snout, resembling a pipefish. it lives around reefs and rocks in tropical waters and typically hangs in a semi-vertical position.
Usage examples:
Almost every day, we snorkel off a different island, dazzled by the brilliant, seemingly abundant s…
Meanings of Trumpeting:
verbPlay a trumpet.
Usage examples:
A jazz band trumpeted on the stage behind, and the kids danced until dark
adjectivePlaying a trumpet.
Usage examples:
Sculptures of two trumpeting angels
Meanings of Trumpets:
nounA brass musical instrument with a flared bell and a bright, penetrating tone. the modern instrument has the tubing looped to form a straight-sided coil, with three valves.
Usage examples:
Nor is it all normal trumpets: this cd boasts piccolo trumpets, bass trumpets, cornets and flugelho…
verbPlay a trumpet.
Usage examples:
A jazz band trumpeted on the stage behind, and the kids danced until dark
Meanings of Trumping:
verb(in bridge, whist, and similar card games) play a trump on (a card of another suit).
Usage examples:
Why on earth did you trump my ace?
noun(in bridge, whist, and similar card games) a playing card of the suit chosen to rank above the others, which can win a trick where a card of a different suit has been led.
Usage examples:
Declarer ruffs the opening lead and plays a trump
Meanings of Trumps:
noun(in bridge, whist, and similar card games) a playing card of the suit chosen to rank above the others, which can win a trick where a card of a different suit has been led.
Usage examples:
Declarer ruffs the opening lead and plays a trump
verb(in bridge, whist, and similar card games) play a trump on (a card of another suit).
Usage examples:
Why on earth did you trump my ace?
phraseOne of the four groups in a set of playing cards that has been chosen to have the highest value during a particular game or part of a game
Usage examples:
Diamonds are trumps., hearts are trumps this round., what are trumps again?, did you say clubs are …
Meanings of Truncal:
adjectiveOf or affecting the trunk of the body, or of a nerve.
Usage examples:
Cranial, truncal, and peripheral nerves are involved.
Meanings of Truncate:
verbShorten the duration or extent of.
Usage examples:
He was a sensational player whose career was truncated by injuries
adjective(of a leaf, feather, or other part) ending abruptly as if cut off across the base or tip.
Usage examples:
The ends are usually acute or obtuse, but sometimes also fish tail-like, truncate or vague.
Meanings of Truncated:
adjectiveShortened in duration or extent.
Usage examples:
His truncated career
verbShorten the duration or extent of.
Usage examples:
He was a sensational player whose career was truncated by injuries
Meanings of Truncates:
verbShorten the duration or extent of.
Usage examples:
He was a sensational player whose career was truncated by injuries
adjective(of a leaf, feather, or other part) ending abruptly as if cut off across the base or tip.
Usage examples:
The ends are usually acute or obtuse, but sometimes also fish tail-like, truncate or vague.
Meanings of Truncating:
verbShorten the duration or extent of.
Usage examples:
He was a sensational player whose career was truncated by injuries
adjective(of a leaf, feather, or other part) ending abruptly as if cut off across the base or tip.
Usage examples:
The ends are usually acute or obtuse, but sometimes also fish tail-like, truncate or vague.
Meanings of Truncation:
nounThe action of truncating or cutting short something.
Usage examples:
A meeting was organized to oppose the truncation of the newcastle rail line
Meanings of Truncations:
nounThe action of truncating or cutting short something.
Usage examples:
A meeting was organized to oppose the truncation of the newcastle rail line
Meanings of Truncheon:
nounA short, thick stick carried as a weapon by a police officer.
Usage examples:
Rowan and mayne limited constables' weapons to the truncheon, carried concealed until 1863.
Meanings of Truncheons:
nounA short, thick stick carried as a weapon by a police officer.
Usage examples:
Rowan and mayne limited constables' weapons to the truncheon, carried concealed until 1863.
Meanings of Trundle:
verb(with reference to a wheeled vehicle or its occupants) move or cause to move slowly and heavily.
Usage examples:
Ten vintage cars trundled past
nounAn act of moving slowly or heavily.
Usage examples:
The journey was just a trundle around the northern line
Meanings of Trundled:
verb(with reference to a wheeled vehicle or its occupants) move or cause to move slowly and heavily.
Usage examples:
Ten vintage cars trundled past
nounAn act of moving slowly or heavily.
Usage examples:
The journey was just a trundle around the northern line
Meanings of Trundles:
verb(with reference to a wheeled vehicle or its occupants) move or cause to move slowly and heavily.
Usage examples:
Ten vintage cars trundled past
nounAn act of moving slowly or heavily.
Usage examples:
The journey was just a trundle around the northern line
Meanings of Trundling:
verb(with reference to a wheeled vehicle or its occupants) move or cause to move slowly and heavily.
Usage examples:
Ten vintage cars trundled past
nounAn act of moving slowly or heavily.
Usage examples:
The journey was just a trundle around the northern line
Meanings of Trunk:
nounThe main woody stem of a tree as distinct from its branches and roots.
Usage examples:
You can tell the age of a tree by the rings inside its trunk
Meanings of Trunking:
nounA system of shafts or conduits for cables or ventilation.
Usage examples:
Both air-conditioning and good cable trunking systems are required to modernise the building and ma…
Meanings of Trunks:
nounThe main woody stem of a tree as distinct from its branches and roots.
plural nounMen's shorts, worn especially for swimming or boxing.
Usage examples:
Bathing trunks
Meanings of Trunnel:
nounA hard wooden pin used for fastening timbers together.
Usage examples:
The timbers are often cut and dressed by hand, jointed and interlocked in the traditional way, and …
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