All English words - page 5956
Meanings of Tontine:
nounAn annuity shared by subscribers to a loan or common fund, the shares increasing as subscribers die until the last survivor enjoys the whole income.
Usage examples:
The later we leave it, the more the pension becomes a tontine in which the survivor takes all.
Meanings of Tontines:
nounAn annuity shared by subscribers to a loan or common fund, the shares increasing as subscribers die until the last survivor enjoys the whole income.
Usage examples:
The later we leave it, the more the pension becomes a tontine in which the survivor takes all.
Meanings of Tonus:
nounThe constant low-level activity of a body tissue, especially muscle tone.
Usage examples:
Increased tonus of the muscles about the eye
Meanings of Tony:
adjectiveFashionable among wealthy or stylish people.
Usage examples:
A tony restaurant
noun(in the us) any of a number of awards given annually for outstanding achievement in the theatre in various categories.
Usage examples:
It has collected over 30 international theatre awards including three tonys for the broadway produc…
Meanings of Too:
adverbTo a higher degree than is desirable, permissible, or possible; excessively.
Usage examples:
He was driving too fast
Meanings of Too many chiefs and not enough indians:
phraseUsed to describe a situation where there are too many people giving orders and not enough people to carry them out.
Usage examples:
I blame the managers - there are too many chiefs and not enough indians.
idiomToo many managers and not enough people to do the work
Meanings of Too-bad:
idiomIf you say something is too bad, you can mean either that you feel sympathy about a problem, or that you do not. the difference is in what is being talked about and the way that you say it
Usage examples:
It's too bad that you can't come to see mark in his school play., "i can't come on friday." "that's…
Meanings of Too-big-for:
idiomBehaving as if you are more important than you really are
Usage examples:
He's been getting a bit too big for his boots since he got that promotion.
Meanings of Too-few:
idiomTo drink quite a large number of, or too many, alcoholic drinks
Usage examples:
By the look of her, she'd had a few even before she arrived at the party.
Meanings of Too-little:
idiomNot enough of something that should have been provided earlier
Usage examples:
A spokeswoman described the aid for the refugees as too little, too late.
Meanings of Too-many:
idiomIf you have had one too many, you have drunk too much alcohol.
Meanings of Too-many-cooks-spoil-the-broth:
phraseIf too many people are involved in a task or activity, it will not be done well.
Usage examples:
There is no such thing as too many cooks spoil the broth when it comes to making soup for the homel…
idiomSaid when there are too many people involved in trying to do the same thing, so that the final result will not be good
Meanings of Too-much:
phraseMore than someone can deal with
Usage examples:
I can't take care of six children at my age - it's too much., i had to stop reading the book - it w…
Meanings of Too-small:
idiomVery much bigger, smaller, more expensive, etc. than you would like
Usage examples:
This drink is miles too sweet!
Meanings of Too-soon:
idiomTo say something which is quickly proven not to be true
Usage examples:
It looks like hanna will be late – i spoke too soon, here she comes now.
Meanings of Too-too:
adverbMore than is needed or wanted; more than is suitable or enough
Usage examples:
The sofa is too big for this room., the apartment was nice but it was just too expensive., this dre…
Meanings of Toodle:
exclamationA way of saying goodbye
Usage examples:
Toodle-oo! i'm off. see you later., words from the 1920s like toodle-oo, toodle-pip, or rightho sou…
Meanings of Toodle-oo:
exclamationA way of saying goodbye
Usage examples:
Toodle-oo! i'm off. see you later., words from the 1920s like toodle-oo, toodle-pip, or rightho sou…
Meanings of Toodle-pip:
exclamationA way of saying goodbye
Usage examples:
Toodle-oo! i'm off. see you later., words from the 1920s like toodle-oo, toodle-pip, or rightho sou…
tʊkMeanings of Took:
verbLay hold of (something) with one's hands; reach for and hold.
Usage examples:
Mrs morgan took another biscuit
nounA scene or sequence of sound or vision photographed or recorded continuously at one time.
Usage examples:
He completed a particularly difficult scene in two takes
Past simple of take
Meanings of Took on:
phrasal verbTo begin to have, use, or do something
Usage examples:
A chameleon takes on the color of its surroundings., her voice took on a troubled tone., i’ll take …
Meanings of Tool:
nounA device or implement, especially one held in the hand, used to carry out a particular function.
Usage examples:
Gardening tools
verbImpress a design on (leather, especially a leather book cover).
Usage examples:
Volumes bound in green leather and tooled in gold
Meanings of Tool up:
phrasal verbTo prepare for an activity or job with new equipment
Usage examples:
Tool up for sth the company is tooling up for the predicted increase in contracts., tool sth up the…
Meanings of Toolbox:
nounA box or container for keeping tools in.
Usage examples:
Storing the toolbox containing said torch in the bottom of a dark drawer about as far away from my …
Meanings of Toolboxes:
nounA box or container for keeping tools in.
Usage examples:
Storing the toolbox containing said torch in the bottom of a dark drawer about as far away from my …
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