All English words - page 5884
Meanings of The-sky:
idiomSomething good that is unlikely to happen
Usage examples:
I wanted to be a major league baseball player, but i knew it was probably pie in the sky.
Meanings of The-smart-set:
nounPeople who are fashionable, rich, and often artistic or well educated
Usage examples:
The nightclub is popular with berlin's smart set.
Meanings of The-sphere:
nounA solid shape like a round ball
Usage examples:
This changes the shape of the cornea from a spoonlike form to a sphere., in the foreign policy sphe…
Meanings of The-stage:
idiomUsed to mean that conditions have been made right for something to happen, or that something is likely to happen
Usage examples:
This weekend's talks between the two leaders have set the scene for a peace agreement to be reached…
Meanings of The-stars:
idiomUsed to say that a situation is very good or lucky, or becomes completely right in order for something to happen
Usage examples:
The stars aligned when they met and fell in love., i thought all the stars had aligned for him to f…
Meanings of The-status-quo:
nounThe present situation or condition
Usage examples:
Are you in favor of statehood, independence, or the status quo for puerto rico?
Meanings of The-sticks:
plural nounThe sticks is a humorous way of referring to a place in the country
Usage examples:
My parents live out in the sticks.
Meanings of The-stratosphere:
nounThe layer of gases that surrounds the earth from about seven to 30 miles above it
Meanings of The-sum:
nounA reduction in the recorded value of particular assets where the amount subtracted from their value each year gets less as the assets get older
Meanings of The-sum-total:
nounThe whole amount
Usage examples:
That’s the sum total of our knowledge about this.
Meanings of The-supernatural:
adjective(of something’s cause or existence) not able to be explained by the laws of science
Usage examples:
From the center of the tree, a supernatural light began to glow.
Meanings of The-switch:
nounA device that controls an electric current and turns it on or off
Usage examples:
Flip a switch and the coffee makes itself., the team made a switch to a smaller, quicker lineup., […
Meanings of The-system:
nounA system for measuring the skills needed for a particular job and someone's level of performance in that job
Meanings of The-tall:
adjectiveOf more than average height
Usage examples:
She’s tall and slim., the sears tower is taller than the empire state building., four of her friend…
Meanings of The-theatre:
nounA theatre where people sit on all sides of the performers, not just in front of them, or a type of performance that tries to involve the people watching
Meanings of The-third-degree:
nounSevere questioning of someone to find out as much as you can
Usage examples:
We gave the babysitter the third degree before we hired her.
Meanings of The-thumbs-down:
idiomA sign of disapproval or opposition
Usage examples:
We applied for a loan, but the bank gave us the thumbs down.
Meanings of The-time-being:
idiomAt this time
Usage examples:
The union voted not to strike for the time being., the situation seems to be peaceful, for now at l…
Meanings of The-top-of-the-world:
idiomVery happy
Usage examples:
She was feeling on top of the world after winning the tennis tournament.
Meanings of The-tops:
Usage examples:
She is tops in her field.
Meanings of The-total:
nounThe whole amount
Usage examples:
Add these up and give me the total., we paid a total of $473., last week 45 people in total came to…
Meanings of The-trade:
nounThe business of making and selling clothes
Usage examples:
He finally got started in the rag trade, peddling clothes out of a hand-cart.
Meanings of The-trots:
phraseDiarrhoea (= a condition in which the contents of the bowels are emptied too often)
Usage examples:
To get/have the trots, that takeaway gave me the trots., something she ate at the weekend has given…
Meanings of The-tube:
nounA long, hollow cylinder of plastic, metal, rubber, or glass, used for moving or containing liquids or gases
Usage examples:
A copper tube, she lay in the hospital, tubes going in and out of her., bronchial tubes, a tube of …
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