All English words - page 5834
Meanings of Telegraphing:
verbSend (someone) a message by telegraph.
Usage examples:
I must go and telegraph mama
nounA system for transmitting messages from a distance along a wire, especially one creating signals by making and breaking an electrical connection.
Usage examples:
News came from the outside world by telegraph
Meanings of Telegraphist:
nounA person skilled or employed in telegraphy.
Usage examples:
Skilled telegraphists had relayed morse code messages along the line from adelaide to darwin and ov…
Meanings of Telegraphists:
nounA person skilled or employed in telegraphy.
Usage examples:
Skilled telegraphists had relayed morse code messages along the line from adelaide to darwin and ov…
Meanings of Telegraphone:
nounA device which records sounds received by telephone, so that they may be subsequently replayed or reproduced; specifically †(a) one which records sounds on to a cylinder; = telegraphophone (obsolete); (b) one which records sounds magnetically on to a metal ribbon.
Meanings of Telegraphophone:
nounA device which records sounds received by telephone, so that they may be subsequently replayed or reproduced; specifically one which records the sounds on to a cylinder.
Meanings of Telegraphs:
nounA system for transmitting messages from a distance along a wire, especially one creating signals by making and breaking an electrical connection.
Usage examples:
News came from the outside world by telegraph
verbSend (someone) a message by telegraph.
Usage examples:
I must go and telegraph mama
Meanings of Telegraphy:
nounThe science or practice of using or constructing communication systems for the transmission or reproduction of information.
Usage examples:
Various modes of communication - railroads, telegraphy, telephony, broadcasting - have been enliste…
Meanings of Telegu:
nounA dravidian language spoken mainly in andhra pradesh, telangana, and other parts of southern india.
Usage examples:
Gopal's mother tongue was telugu
adjectiveRelating to the telugu or their language.
Usage examples:
She has completed the shoot of her first telugu film
Meanings of Teleianthous:
adjectiveOf a plant or flower: having both stamens and pistils.
Meanings of Telekinesis:
nounThe supposed ability to move objects at a distance by mental power or other non-physical means.
Usage examples:
She possesses the power of telekinesis
Meanings of Telekinetic:
adjectiveHaving an ability to move objects, or to make them change shape, using only the power of the mind
Usage examples:
Telekinetic powers
Meanings of Telelectrograph:
nounAn apparatus for transmitting and reproducing photographs or other images telegraphically, in which the original image is scanned optically or electrically to produce a variable electrical signal (also called telelectrograph).
Meanings of Telelectroscope:
nounAny of various proposed devices for producing a photograph or (in later use) a live image of a visual scene at another location.
Meanings of Telemachus:
proper nounThe son of odysseus and penelope.
Meanings of Telemanometer:
nounA telemetric instrument for indicating the pressure in a gas or liquid; a manometer that receives or transmits measurements using telemetry.
Meanings of Telemark:
nounA turn, performed on skis to which only the toe of each boot is fixed, with the outer ski advanced and the knee bent.
Usage examples:
Telemark skiing
verbPerform a telemark turn while skiing.
Usage examples:
They went telemarking silently through the trees
Meanings of Telemarks:
nounA turn, performed on skis to which only the toe of each boot is fixed, with the outer ski advanced and the knee bent.
Usage examples:
Telemark skiing
verbPerform a telemark turn while skiing.
Usage examples:
They went telemarking silently through the trees
Meanings of Telemechanics:
nounThe science or practice of operating machines or other devices at a distance, chiefly by means of electrical signals carried over a wire or by radio waves.
Meanings of Telemechanism:
nounThe operation of machines or other devices at a distance, chiefly using radio waves.
Meanings of Telemessage:
nounA brand name for a message sent by phone or telex and received in printed form
Meanings of Telemetacarpal:
adjectiveHaving vestiges only of the distal portion of the first and fifth metacarpals, as characteristic of deer of the subfamily capreolinae.
Meanings of Telemeteorograph:
nounAn instrument for simultaneously recording several different sets of meteorological data measured at another location and transmitted using telemetry.
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