All English words - page 5764
Meanings of Systemically:
adverbIn a way that relates to or affects the whole of something.
Usage examples:
The banks have been systemically corrupted
Meanings of Systems:
nounA set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole.
Usage examples:
The state railway system
Meanings of Systemwise:
adverbAccording to a system; systematically.
Meanings of Systole:
nounThe phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle contracts and pumps blood from the chambers into the arteries.
Usage examples:
The passive, elastic recoil between systoles maintains the blood pressure, smooths the flow of bloo…
Meanings of Systoles:
nounThe phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle contracts and pumps blood from the chambers into the arteries.
Usage examples:
The passive, elastic recoil between systoles maintains the blood pressure, smooths the flow of bloo…
Meanings of Systolic:
adjectiveRelating to the phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle contracts and pumps blood from the chambers into the arteries.
Usage examples:
My doctor says my systolic pressure is too high
Meanings of Systyle:
adjectiveOf a building, colonnade, architectural style, etc.: having or characterized by close intercolumniation such that the distance between the columns equals two diameters of a column. compare pycnostyle ; "diastyle".
Meanings of Syzygies:
nounA conjunction or opposition, especially of the moon with the sun.
Usage examples:
The planets were aligned in syzygy
Meanings of Syzygy:
nounA conjunction or opposition, especially of the moon with the sun.
Usage examples:
The planets were aligned in syzygy
ˈtrɪtɪəmMeanings of T:
abbreviationImperial or metric ton(s).
Usage examples:
Lithuania produced 512,000 t of sulphuric acid in 1989
contractionThe word ‘it’, attached to the end of a verb, especially in the transcription of regional spoken use.
Usage examples:
I'll never do’t again
suffixEquivalent to -est2 (as in shalt ).
nounThe twentieth letter of the alphabet.
symbol(in units of measurement) tera- (1012).
Usage examples:
12 tbytes of data storage
adverbA unit of weight equal to 2,240 lb avoirdupois (1016.05 kg).
Meanings of T-shirt:
nounA type of shirt that covers the upper part of the body, has short sleeves and no collar, and is pulled on over the head
Usage examples:
He wore a t-shirt and jeans.
ˈtantələmMeanings of Ta:
exclamationThank you.
Usage examples:
‘ta,’ said willie gratefully
abbreviation(in the uk) territorial army.
Usage examples:
An officer in ta
nounThe chemical element of atomic number 73, a hard silver-grey metal of the transition series.
The chemical element tantalum.
Meanings of Tab:
nounA small flap or strip of material attached to or projecting from something, used to hold, fasten, or manipulate it, or for identification and information.
Usage examples:
The shopkeeper undid the clasp binding the date book closed and heaved it open, revealing a binder …
verbShort for tableau curtains.
abbreviationTotalizator agency board.
Meanings of Tabac:
noun(in french-speaking countries) a tobacconist's shop.
Usage examples:
The fact that the small ‘tabac’ or tobacconist's shop within the café is to be closed by the new ow…
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