All English words - page 5602
Meanings of Strangulate:
verbStrangle; throttle.
Usage examples:
The victim had been strangulated
Meanings of Strangulated:
adjective(of a part of the body, typically a hernia) having the blood supply reduced or cut off as a result of compression of blood vessels.
verbStrangle; throttle.
Usage examples:
The victim had been strangulated
Meanings of Strangulates:
verbStrangle; throttle.
Usage examples:
The victim had been strangulated
Meanings of Strangulating:
verbStrangle; throttle.
Usage examples:
The victim had been strangulated
Meanings of Strangulation:
nounThe action or state of strangling or being strangled.
Usage examples:
Death due to strangulation
Meanings of Strangury:
nounA condition caused by blockage or irritation at the base of the bladder, resulting in severe pain and a strong desire to urinate.
Usage examples:
This product is used to treat heat strangury due to down rushing of damp heat, heat combining in bl…
stræpMeanings of Strap:
nounA strip of leather, cloth, or other flexible material, used to fasten, secure, or carry something or to hold on to something.
Usage examples:
Her bra strap
verbFasten or secure in a specified place or position with a strap.
Usage examples:
I had to strap the bag to my bicycle
Meanings of Strap-up:
phrasal verbTo wrap a leg, arm, or other part of the body in a bandage (= strip of material for wrapping around injuries)
Usage examples:
He injured himself playing football and his arm was strapped up.
Meanings of Straphang:
verbTravel while standing up in a bus or train.
Usage examples:
Those lucky enough to get a seat drowse; the rest must strap-hang all the way
Meanings of Straphanger:
nounA standing passenger in a bus or train.
Usage examples:
The straphangers were swaying unsteadily
Meanings of Straphanging:
verbTravel while standing up in a bus or train.
Usage examples:
Those lucky enough to get a seat drowse; the rest must strap-hang all the way
Meanings of Strapless:
adjective(especially of a dress or bra) without shoulder straps.
Usage examples:
And the flared sleeve dress shirt and strapless dress combo is just unusual enough to be interestin…
Meanings of Strappado:
nounA form of punishment or torture in which the victim was secured to a rope and made to fall from a height almost to the ground before being stopped with an abrupt jerk.
Usage examples:
In japan, for example, torture was used from a very early date to extract confessions, and from the…
Meanings of Strapped:
adjectiveShort of money.
Usage examples:
I'm constantly strapped for cash
verbFasten or secure in a specified place or position with a strap.
Usage examples:
I had to strap the bag to my bicycle
Meanings of Strapper:
nounA person who grooms racehorses.
Usage examples:
We also felt it appropriate to provide a more substantial trophy for the jockey and trainer and to …
Meanings of Strappers:
nounA person who grooms racehorses.
Usage examples:
We also felt it appropriate to provide a more substantial trophy for the jockey and trainer and to …
Meanings of Strapping:
adjective(especially of a young person) big and strong.
Usage examples:
They had three strapping sons
nounAdhesive plaster for binding injured parts of the body.
Usage examples:
Initial treatment options for heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis include anti-inflammatory medic…
verbFasten or secure in a specified place or position with a strap.
Usage examples:
I had to strap the bag to my bicycle
Meanings of Straps:
nounA strip of leather, cloth, or other flexible material, used to fasten, secure, or carry something or to hold on to something.
Usage examples:
Her bra strap
verbFasten or secure in a specified place or position with a strap.
Usage examples:
I had to strap the bag to my bicycle
Meanings of Strapwork:
nounOrnamentation imitating pierced and interlaced straps.
Usage examples:
The altar has a profusion of mannerist ornament, pierced scrollwork, vigorous strapwork, combined w…
Meanings of Strass:
nounA form of highly refractive lead glass used for making imitation gems.
adjectiveMade of strass; decorated with stones or crystals of strass.
Meanings of Strata:
nounA layer or a series of layers of rock in the ground.
Usage examples:
A stratum of flint
Pl of stratum
Meanings of Stratagem:
nounA plan or scheme, especially one used to outwit an opponent or achieve an end.
Usage examples:
A series of devious stratagems
Meanings of Stratagematic:
adjectiveOf, relating to, or characterized by the use of stratagems or strategy.
Meanings of Stratagematist:
nounA person skilled in devising and employing stratagems.
Meanings of Stratagemical:
adjectiveOf, relating to, or characterized by the use of stratagems or strategy.
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