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Meanings of Significant-other:


A person with whom someone has a romantic or sexual relationship that has lasted for some time and that is likely to last longer

Usage examples:

She lives with her significant other in london., friends, neighbours and significant others are all…

Meanings of Significantly:


In a sufficiently great or important way as to be worthy of attention.

Usage examples:

Energy bills have increased significantly this year

Meanings of Significantness:


The fact or quality of being significant; significance.

Meanings of Significate:


A thing which is signified or symbolized; a referent.


Significant, meaningful; important; substantial.

Meanings of Signification:


The representation or conveying of meaning.

Usage examples:

Film comes closer than other forms of signification to resemblance of reality

Meanings of Significations:


The representation or conveying of meaning.

Usage examples:

Film comes closer than other forms of signification to resemblance of reality

Meanings of Significative:


Being a symbol or sign of something; having a meaning.

Usage examples:

Here we encounter the third and final function of symbolic meaning, the significative function, whi…

Meanings of Significatively:


In a manner that conveys meaning; significantly; suggestively.

Meanings of Significator:


(in a horary chart) the planet which signifies the inquirer, or the subject of the question.

Usage examples:

Planets which are parental significators in the chart are not only descriptive of parental patterns.

Meanings of Significatory:


That signifies or intimates something; indicative of something. later also: of or relating to meaning or signification.

Meanings of Significatum:


A thing which is signified or indicated; (in later use) specifically = "signified". opposed to "significans".

Meanings of Significavit:


A form of writ employed in ecclesiastical cases; specifically one issued by chancery for the arrest of an excommunicated person.

Meanings of Significian:


An advocate or practitioner of significs.

Meanings of Significs:


A proposed scientific discipline and educational method based upon the importance of realizing the exact significance of terms and conceptions, and their influence on thought and life.

Meanings of Signifie:


Another term for signified.

Meanings of Signified:


The meaning or idea expressed by a sign, as distinct from the physical form in which it is expressed.

Usage examples:

It is a naive mistake, however, to suppose that the renaissance restored or reintegrated classical …

Be an indication of.

Usage examples:

This decision signified a fundamental change in their priorities

Meanings of Signifier:


A sign's physical form (such as a sound, printed word, or image) as distinct from its meaning.

Usage examples:

In saussure's theory of linguistics, the signifier is the sound and the signified is the thought.

Meanings of Signifies:


Another term for signified.


Be an indication of.

Usage examples:

This decision signified a fundamental change in their priorities

Meanings of Signify:


Be an indication of.

Usage examples:

This decision signified a fundamental change in their priorities

Meanings of Signifying:


Be an indication of.

Usage examples:

This decision signified a fundamental change in their priorities

Meanings of Signing:


The action of writing one's signature on an official document.

Usage examples:

The signing of the anglo–french agreement to build concorde

Write one's name on (a letter, card, document, etc.) to identify oneself as the writer or sender.

Usage examples:

The card was signed by the whole class

Meanings of Signing-away:

phrasal verb

To give up your rights to something or ownership of it by formally signing a document

Usage examples:

She signed away her rights to the book before it became a best-seller.

Meanings of Signing-on:

phrasal verb

To agree to take part

Usage examples:

Several corporations have signed on to sponsor the tournament., nearly every state has signed on, a…

Meanings of Signless:


Without a sign; especially (of a building, road, etc.) unmarked by a signpost or notice.

Meanings of Signoff:


The conclusion of a letter, broadcast, etc.

Usage examples:

That was their daily sign-off on the tv show

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