All English words - page 533
Meanings of Beau-monde:
nounThe people in a particular society who are rich and fashionable
Meanings of Beaucoup:
adjectiveMany or much.
Usage examples:
Beaucoup profits are at stake
Meanings of Beaufort:
nounA fixed set of numbers used for measuring and comparing wind speeds, from 0 (for calm) to 12 (for hurricane)
Meanings of Beaujolais:
nounA light red or (less commonly) white burgundy wine produced in the beaujolais district of south-eastern france.
Usage examples:
A big, juicy steak goes well with a big, juicy wine such as a cabernet sauvignon or a shiraz, while…
Meanings of Beaune:
nounA red burgundy wine from the region around beaune in eastern france.
Usage examples:
Before the enforcement of appellation contrôlée regulations many local wines were sold as beaune as…
Meanings of Beaut:
nounA particularly fine example of something.
Usage examples:
The idea was a beaut
adjectiveVery good or beautiful.
Usage examples:
A beaut view
Meanings of Beauteous:
Usage examples:
His beauteous bride
Meanings of Beauteousness:
nounThe quality of being beauteous.
Meanings of Beautician:
nounA person whose job is to give people beauty treatment.
Usage examples:
Government officials in america have realised that cosmetologists - a term that includes hairdresse…
Meanings of Beauticians:
nounA person whose job is to give people beauty treatment.
Usage examples:
Government officials in america have realised that cosmetologists - a term that includes hairdresse…
Meanings of Beautied:
adjectiveAs the second element of compounds: having beauty of a specified kind or amount, as "little-beautied", "rare-beautied", etc.
Meanings of Beauties:
nounA combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.
Usage examples:
I was struck by her beauty
adjectiveGood; excellent (used as a general term of approval).
Usage examples:
That's beauty mate, and a nice fish too!
Meanings of Beautification:
nounThe action or process of improving the appearance of a person or place.
Usage examples:
The city commissioned the beautification of the tunnel with work by five artists
Meanings of Beautified:
verbImprove the appearance of.
Usage examples:
Another initiative to beautify the environment
Meanings of Beautifies:
verbImprove the appearance of.
Usage examples:
Another initiative to beautify the environment
ˈbjuː.tɪ.fəlMeanings of Beautiful:
adjectivePleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.
Usage examples:
Beautiful poetry
Meanings of Beautiful-people:
idiomFashionable, rich people
Usage examples:
This café is a favourite haunt of the beautiful people.
Meanings of Beautifully:
adverbIn a way that pleases the senses or mind aesthetically.
Usage examples:
She does sing beautifully
Meanings of Beautifulness:
nounThe quality of being beautiful.
Meanings of Beautify:
verbImprove the appearance of.
Usage examples:
Another initiative to beautify the environment
Meanings of Beautifying:
verbImprove the appearance of.
Usage examples:
Another initiative to beautify the environment
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