All English words - page 5288
Meanings of Shadowgraphic:
nounAn image formed by the shadow of an object on a surface.
Usage examples:
He refers to this picture as a shadowgraph rather than a mirage for there are elements of truth of …
Meanings of Shadowgraphy:
nounAn image formed by the shadow of an object on a surface.
Usage examples:
He refers to this picture as a shadowgraph rather than a mirage for there are elements of truth of …
Meanings of Shadowier:
adjectiveFull of shadows.
Usage examples:
A long, shadowy, cobbled passage
Meanings of Shadowiest:
adjectiveFull of shadows.
Usage examples:
A long, shadowy, cobbled passage
Meanings of Shadowing:
verbEnvelop in shadow; cast a shadow over.
Usage examples:
The market is shadowed by st margaret's church
nounA dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface.
Usage examples:
Trees cast long shadows
Meanings of Shadowland:
nounA place in shadow.
Usage examples:
He also offers ‘shadowland,’ presenting himself not as self-righteous doomsayer but as a mortal man…
Meanings of Shadows:
nounA dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface.
Usage examples:
Trees cast long shadows
verbShort for eyeshadow.
ˈʃæd.əʊ.iMeanings of Shadowy:
adjectiveFull of shadows.
Usage examples:
A long, shadowy, cobbled passage
Meanings of Shads:
nounA herring-like fish that spends much of its life in the sea, typically entering rivers to spawn. it is an important food fish in many regions.
Usage examples:
Eel, catfish, carp, shad, herring, sturgeon and striped bass have all been fished commercially in t…
ˈʃeɪ.diMeanings of Shady:
adjectiveSituated in or full of shade.
Usage examples:
Shady woods
Meanings of Shaft:
nounA long, narrow part or section forming the handle of a tool or club, the body of a spear or arrow, or similar.
Usage examples:
The shaft of a golf club
verb(of light) shine in beams.
Usage examples:
Brilliant sunshine shafted through the skylight
Meanings of Shafted:
verb(of light) shine in beams.
Usage examples:
Brilliant sunshine shafted through the skylight
Meanings of Shafter:
nounA bullock used to pull a cart.
Usage examples:
The pole rose and, despite their great weight, hoisted the shafters completely off the ground
Meanings of Shafting:
nounA system of connected shafts for transmitting motive power in a machine.
Usage examples:
The engine drives 400 yards of shafting, powering the entire factory
verb(of light) shine in beams.
Usage examples:
Brilliant sunshine shafted through the skylight
Meanings of Shaftings:
nounA system of connected shafts for transmitting motive power in a machine.
Usage examples:
The engine drives 400 yards of shafting, powering the entire factory
Meanings of Shafts:
nounA long, narrow part or section forming the handle of a tool or club, the body of a spear or arrow, or similar.
Usage examples:
The shaft of a golf club
verb(of light) shine in beams.
Usage examples:
Brilliant sunshine shafted through the skylight
ʃæɡMeanings of Shag:
nounA carpet or rug with a long, rough pile.
Usage examples:
Wall-to-wall shag carpet
verbChase or catch (fly balls) for practice.
Usage examples:
You run down to the field and hit a few baseballs and shag a few fly balls
adjective(of a carpet) made of long thick threads
Usage examples:
Shag pile (= the soft surface of a carpet formed by cut threads), a shag rug/carpet
Meanings of Shaganappi:
nounA thread, cord, thong, etc., made from rawhide; rawhide cut into strips. now chiefly historical.
adjectiveCheap, makeshift; of a low or inferior quality.
Meanings of Shagged:
Usage examples:
They were too shagged to do any cleaning
verbChase or catch (fly balls) for practice.
Usage examples:
You run down to the field and hit a few baseballs and shag a few fly balls
Meanings of Shaggier:
adjective(of hair or fur) long, thick, and unkempt.
Usage examples:
The mountain goat has a long, shaggy coat
Meanings of Shaggiest:
adjective(of hair or fur) long, thick, and unkempt.
Usage examples:
The mountain goat has a long, shaggy coat
Meanings of Shagginess:
nounThe quality of being shaggy (= having, or being covered with, or looking like long, rough hair)
Usage examples:
The men stop shaving a year before the show to achieve the requisite shagginess., the shagginess of…
Meanings of Shagging:
verbChase or catch (fly balls) for practice.
Usage examples:
You run down to the field and hit a few baseballs and shag a few fly balls
nounA carpet or rug with a long, rough pile.
Usage examples:
Wall-to-wall shag carpet
Meanings of Shaggy:
adjective(of hair or fur) long, thick, and unkempt.
Usage examples:
The mountain goat has a long, shaggy coat
Meanings of Shaggy-dog-story:
nounA long story that is intended to be amusing and that has an intentionally silly or meaningless ending
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