All English words - page 5185
Meanings of Scorpios:
proper nounThe eighth sign of the zodiac (the scorpion), which the sun enters about 23 october.
nounA person born when the sun is in the sign of scorpio.
Usage examples:
For one - say a scorpio - a full moon in taurus might reveal welcome information about money and sex.
Meanings of Scorpius:
proper nounA large constellation (the scorpion). it contains the red giant antares.
adjectiveUsed with preceding greek letter or numeral to designate a star in the constellation scorpius.
Usage examples:
The star theta scorpii
nounA large constellation (= a group of stars) said to look like a scorpion (= a small creature that has a curved tail with a poisonous sting)
Usage examples:
Antares is the brightest star in scorpius.
Meanings of Scorzonera:
nounA plant of the daisy family with tapering purple-brown edible roots.
Usage examples:
Salsify features narrow, leek-like leaves, violet-red flowers and light yellow root, whereas scorzo…
Meanings of Scot:
nounA payment corresponding to a modern tax, rate, or other assessed contribution.
Usage examples:
In fact, a scot or secot was a municipal tax in 12 th-century england and someone who went scot-fre…
Usage examples:
R jones (wales); p. wright (scot.)
Meanings of Scotch:
verbDecisively put an end to.
Usage examples:
A spokesman has scotched the rumours
nounA wedge placed under a wheel or other rolling object to prevent it moving or slipping.
adjectiveShort for scotch whisky.
Usage examples:
A bottle of scotch
phraseHinder or prevent, as an effort, plan, or desire
Meanings of Scotched:
verbDecisively put an end to.
Usage examples:
A spokesman has scotched the rumours
nounA wedge placed under a wheel or other rolling object to prevent it moving or slipping.
Usage examples:
A scotch plaid scarf
Meanings of Scotchery:
nounScottish characteristics; scottishness.
Meanings of Scotches:
verbDecisively put an end to.
Usage examples:
A spokesman has scotched the rumours
nounA wedge placed under a wheel or other rolling object to prevent it moving or slipping.
Usage examples:
A scotch plaid scarf
Meanings of Scotchification:
nounThe action or process of making scottish in character; scotticization; an instance of this.
Meanings of Scotchiness:
nounThe quality or condition of being scottish in character; scottishness.
Meanings of Scotching:
verbDecisively put an end to.
Usage examples:
A spokesman has scotched the rumours
nounA wedge placed under a wheel or other rolling object to prevent it moving or slipping.
Usage examples:
A scotch plaid scarf
Meanings of Scotchman:
nounA scotsman.
Usage examples:
There is no natural reason why an englishman or a scotchman should not be as punctual in performing…
Meanings of Scotchmen:
nounA scotsman.
Usage examples:
There is no natural reason why an englishman or a scotchman should not be as punctual in performing…
Meanings of Scotchwoman:
nounA scotswoman.
Usage examples:
She was given to the care of a faithful scotchwoman who had once been our servant.
Meanings of Scoter:
nounA northern diving duck that winters off the coast, the male of which has mainly black plumage.
Usage examples:
Sea ducks like scoters and eiders are also divers.
Meanings of Scoters:
nounA northern diving duck that winters off the coast, the male of which has mainly black plumage.
Usage examples:
Sea ducks like scoters and eiders are also divers.
Meanings of Scotia:
noun(chiefly in classical architecture) a concave moulding, especially at the base of a column.
Meanings of Scotias:
noun(chiefly in classical architecture) a concave moulding, especially at the base of a column.
Meanings of Scotic:
adjectiveOf or relating to the form of gaelic used by the scots.
Meanings of Scotism:
nounThe teachings or beliefs of john duns scotus or of the scotists.
Meanings of Scotist:
nounA follower or disciple of john duns scotus; an adherent of his doctrines or philosophy.
adjectiveOf, relating to, or characteristic of scotism or the scotists.
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