All English words - page 5019
Meanings of Rightest:
adjectiveMorally good, justified, or acceptable.
Usage examples:
I hope we're doing the right thing
adverbTo the furthest or most complete extent or degree (used for emphasis)
Usage examples:
The car spun right off the track
nounThat which is morally correct, just, or honourable.
Usage examples:
She doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong
verbRestore to a normal or upright position.
Usage examples:
We righted the capsized dinghy
exclamationUsed to indicate agreement or to acknowledge a statement or order.
Usage examples:
‘barry's here.’ ‘oh, right’
Meanings of Rightful:
adjectiveHaving a legitimate right to property, position, or status.
Usage examples:
The rightful owner of the jewels
Meanings of Rightfully:
adverbIn accordance with a legitimate right or claim to property, position, or status.
Usage examples:
A land that rightfully belongs to the native people
Meanings of Righthand:
adjectiveThe hand of a person's right side.
Meanings of Righties:
nounA right-handed person.
Usage examples:
Righties can't see first base as well as left-handers
Meanings of Righting:
verbRestore to a normal or upright position.
Usage examples:
We righted the capsized dinghy
adjectiveMorally good, justified, or acceptable.
Usage examples:
I hope we're doing the right thing
adverbTo the furthest or most complete extent or degree (used for emphasis)
Usage examples:
The car spun right off the track
nounThat which is morally correct, just, or honourable.
Usage examples:
She doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong
exclamationUsed to indicate agreement or to acknowledge a statement or order.
Usage examples:
‘barry's here.’ ‘oh, right’
Meanings of Rightism:
nounThe political views or policies of the right.
Usage examples:
Conservatism or rightism is an ideology that carries with it certain values
Meanings of Rightist:
nounA person who supports the political views or policies of the right.
Usage examples:
A national hero of the rightists
adjectiveSupporting or relating to the political views or policies of the right.
Usage examples:
The last elections resulted in a rightist majority
Meanings of Rightists:
nounA person who supports the political views or policies of the right.
Usage examples:
A national hero of the rightists
adjectiveSupporting or relating to the political views or policies of the right.
Usage examples:
The last elections resulted in a rightist majority
Meanings of Rightly:
Usage examples:
If i remember rightly, she never gives interviews
Meanings of Rightmost:
adjectiveSituated furthest to the right.
Usage examples:
This game involves 3 poles, and a number of rings with holes in the middle, of differing sizes, wit…
Meanings of Rightness:
nounThe quality or state of being morally good, justified, or acceptable.
Usage examples:
They argue for the moral rightness of overthrowing the leader by force
Meanings of Righto:
exclamationExpressing agreement or assent.
Usage examples:
‘coming to pick up the kids?’ ‘righto.’
Meanings of Rights:
nounThat which is morally correct, just, or honourable.
Usage examples:
She doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong
verbA group or party favouring conservative or reactionary views.
Usage examples:
The right got in at the election
adjectiveMorally good, justified, or acceptable.
Usage examples:
I hope we're doing the right thing
adverbTo the furthest or most complete extent or degree (used for emphasis)
Usage examples:
The car spun right off the track
exclamationUsed to indicate agreement or to acknowledge a statement or order.
Usage examples:
‘barry's here.’ ‘oh, right’
Meanings of Rights-and-wrongs:
idiomThe details of who or what is fair or unfair
Usage examples:
I don't care about the rights and wrongs of the matter - i just want you both to stop arguing.
Meanings of Rightward:
adverbTowards the right.
Usage examples:
The little stream curves rightward
adjectiveTowards support of conservative views and capitalist principles.
Usage examples:
The electorate is moving rightward
Meanings of Rightwards:
adverbTowards the right.
Usage examples:
The little stream curves rightward
adjectiveGoing towards or situated on the right.
Usage examples:
The rock face is climbed via a rightward curving crack
Meanings of Righty:
nounA right-handed person.
Usage examples:
Righties can't see first base as well as left-handers
Meanings of Righty-ho:
exclamationSaid to show that you understand and agree, or to say that you are going to do something
Usage examples:
"tell me about your trip." "righty-ho, i will.", righty-ho, i'm just going to get the washing in.
Meanings of Rigid:
adjectiveUnable to bend or be forced out of shape; not flexible.
Usage examples:
A seat of rigid orange plastic
nounA lorry which is not articulated.
Meanings of Rigidification:
nounThe action or process of making or becoming rigid; an instance of this.
Meanings of Rigidified:
verbMake or become rigid or inflexible.
Usage examples:
Silicon to rigidify the shell
Meanings of Rigidifies:
verbMake or become rigid or inflexible.
Usage examples:
Silicon to rigidify the shell
Meanings of Rigidify:
verbMake or become rigid or inflexible.
Usage examples:
Silicon to rigidify the shell
Meanings of Rigidifying:
verbMake or become rigid or inflexible.
Usage examples:
Silicon to rigidify the shell
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