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Meanings of Rhapontic:


Designating the rhubarb plant rheum rhaponticum and its medicinal rootstock.

Meanings of Rhaponticin:


A yellow crystalline compound present in the root of a wild rhubarb, rheum rhaponticum, and in some other plants.

Meanings of Rhapsode:


A person who recites epic poems, especially one of a group in ancient greece whose profession it was to recite the homeric poems.

Usage examples:

These cyclic epics were obviously later than the homeric poems, and from a time when oral compositi…

Meanings of Rhapsodes:


A person who recites epic poems, especially one of a group in ancient greece whose profession it was to recite the homeric poems.

Usage examples:

These cyclic epics were obviously later than the homeric poems, and from a time when oral compositi…

Meanings of Rhapsodic:


In the form of a rhapsody, or expressing powerful feelings

Usage examples:

The slow movement is wonderfully moody and rhapsodic.

Meanings of Rhapsodies:


An effusively enthusiastic or ecstatic expression of feeling.

Usage examples:

Rhapsodies of praise

Meanings of Rhapsodism:


The recitation of poems by rhapsodists.

Meanings of Rhapsodist:


A person who speaks or writes about someone or something with great enthusiasm and delight.

Usage examples:

There, the great rhapsodist of liberty certainly owned, and probably bought and sold, domestic slav…

Meanings of Rhapsodists:


A person who speaks or writes about someone or something with great enthusiasm and delight.

Usage examples:

There, the great rhapsodist of liberty certainly owned, and probably bought and sold, domestic slav…

Meanings of Rhapsodize:


Speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm and delight.

Usage examples:

He began to rhapsodize about gaby's beauty and charm

Meanings of Rhapsodized:


Speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm and delight.

Usage examples:

He began to rhapsodize about gaby's beauty and charm

Meanings of Rhapsodizes:


Speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm and delight.

Usage examples:

He began to rhapsodize about gaby's beauty and charm

Meanings of Rhapsodizing:


Speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm and delight.

Usage examples:

He began to rhapsodize about gaby's beauty and charm

Meanings of Rhapsodomancy:


A form of divination in which the first line seen upon opening a book, originally of poetry, at random is taken to be prophetic.

Meanings of Rhapsody:


An effusively enthusiastic or ecstatic expression of feeling.

Usage examples:

Rhapsodies of praise

Meanings of Rhasophore:


A monk or nun of the lowest degree in the monastic hierarchy of the eastern orthodox church.

Meanings of Rhatania:


The root of the plant rhatany, krameria triandra, from which a medicinal extract is prepared (more fully "ratanhia root").

Meanings of Rhatanies:


An astringent extract of the root of a south american shrub, used in medicine.

Meanings of Rhatany:


An astringent extract of the root of a south american shrub, used in medicine.

Meanings of Rhd:


Right-hand drive.

Meanings of Rhe:


A unit of dynamic fluidity in the cgs system, defined variously as the reciprocal of the poise or the centipoise. also: a unit of kinematic fluidity in the cgs system, defined as the reciprocal of the centistokes (rare).

Meanings of Rhea:


A large flightless bird of south american grasslands, resembling a small ostrich with greyish-brown plumage.

Usage examples:

He saw the common rhea - an ostrichlike bird - living in argentina.
proper noun

One of the titans, wife of cronus and mother of zeus, demeter, poseidon, hera, and hades. frightened of betrayal by their children, cronus ate them; rhea rescued zeus from this fate by hiding him and giving cronus a stone wrapped in blankets instead.

Meanings of Rheadine:


A mildly toxic alkaloid present in the seed capsules of the corn poppy.

Meanings of Rheas:


A large flightless bird of south american grasslands, resembling a small ostrich with greyish-brown plumage.

Usage examples:

He saw the common rhea - an ostrichlike bird - living in argentina.
proper noun

One of the titans, wife of cronus and mother of zeus, demeter, poseidon, hera, and hades. frightened of betrayal by their children, cronus ate them; rhea rescued zeus from this fate by hiding him and giving cronus a stone wrapped in blankets instead.

Meanings of Rhebok:


A small south african antelope with a woolly brownish-grey coat, a long slender neck, and short straight horns.

Usage examples:

The reserve is stocked with small game - blesbok, mountain reebok, duiker, klipspringer and steenbo…

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