All English words - page 4967
Meanings of Retranscribed:
verbTo transcribe again or in a new way.
Meanings of Retranscribing:
verbTo transcribe again or in a new way.
Meanings of Retranscription:
nounThe action or process of transcribing something again or in a new way; an instance of this.
Meanings of Retransfer:
nounThe action or an act of transferring a person or thing back or again.
verbTo transfer back or again.
Meanings of Retransferred:
verbTo move something such as money or goods back to the person who owned it before or to the place where it came from
Usage examples:
The insured may retransfer the contract to the original insurer as from the date of the demand., th…
Meanings of Retransferring:
nounThe action or an act of transferring something back or again.
Meanings of Retransfers:
nounThe action or an act of transferring a person or thing back or again.
verbTo transfer back or again.
Meanings of Retransfigure:
verbTo transfigure again or in a new way; to change into (also to) a new form.
Meanings of Retransform:
verbTo transform (a person or thing) again; especially to change back into (also to) a previous form or condition.
Meanings of Retransformation:
nounThe action or an act of transforming again, especially back into (also to) a former shape or condition.
Meanings of Retransfuse:
verbTo give (a person or animal) a second or subsequent blood transfusion or an autotransfusion; to transfuse (fluid, blood, etc.) again; to autotransfuse (blood previously drawn for transfusion, lost during surgery, etc.). occasionally also without object.
Meanings of Retranslate:
verbTranslate again.
Usage examples:
Manville retranslated it all back into english
ˌriːtransˈleɪtMeanings of Retranslated:
verbTranslate again.
Usage examples:
Manville retranslated it all back into english
Meanings of Retranslates:
verbTranslate again.
Usage examples:
Manville retranslated it all back into english
Meanings of Retranslating:
verbTranslate again.
Usage examples:
Manville retranslated it all back into english
Meanings of Retransmission:
nounThe action or process of transmitting data, a radio signal, or a broadcast programme again or on to another receiver.
Usage examples:
Broadcasters may prohibit the retransmission of tv programmes by another company
Meanings of Retransmissions:
nounThe action or process of transmitting data, a radio signal, or a broadcast programme again or on to another receiver.
Usage examples:
Broadcasters may prohibit the retransmission of tv programmes by another company
Meanings of Retransmissive:
adjectiveInvolving or relating to retransmission; that retransmits something.
Meanings of Retransmit:
verbTransmit (data, a radio signal, or a broadcast programme) again or on to another receiver.
Usage examples:
A programme that a cable company picks up off the air and retransmits
ˌriː.trænzˈmɪtMeanings of Retransmits:
verbTransmit (data, a radio signal, or a broadcast programme) again or on to another receiver.
Usage examples:
A programme that a cable company picks up off the air and retransmits
Meanings of Retransmitted:
verbTransmit (data, a radio signal, or a broadcast programme) again or on to another receiver.
Usage examples:
A programme that a cable company picks up off the air and retransmits
Meanings of Retransmitting:
verbTransmit (data, a radio signal, or a broadcast programme) again or on to another receiver.
Usage examples:
A programme that a cable company picks up off the air and retransmits
Meanings of Retransmute:
verbTo transmute (a person or thing) again or back to (also into) a new or former condition.
Meanings of Retransplant:
verbTo transplant (something or someone) again; to remove to another or a previous location; (medicine) to subject to a second or subsequent transplant.
Meanings of Retransport:
verbTo transport to a new destination; to transport again or back; specifically to move (a convict) to a different (typically more severe) penal settlement, especially in australia (now historical).
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