All English words - page 4845
Meanings of Regiments:
nounA permanent unit of an army typically commanded by a lieutenant colonel and divided into several companies, squadrons, or batteries and often into two battalions.
Usage examples:
The royal highland regiment
verbOrganize according to a strict system or pattern.
Usage examples:
Every aspect of their life is strictly regimented
Meanings of Regimes:
nounA government, especially an authoritarian one.
Usage examples:
Ideological opponents of the regime
Meanings of Regiminal:
adjectiveOf the nature of a regimen; of or relating to regimen; = regimenal .
Meanings of Regina:
nounThe reigning queen (used following a name or in the titles of lawsuits, e.g. regina v. jones, the crown versus jones).
proper nounThe capital of saskatchewan, situated in the centre of the wheat-growing plains of south central canada; population 179,246 (2006).
Meanings of Reginas:
nounThe reigning queen (used following a name or in the titles of lawsuits, e.g. regina v. jones, the crown versus jones).
proper nounThe capital of saskatchewan, situated in the centre of the wheat-growing plains of south central canada; population 179,246 (2006).
Meanings of Region:
nounAn area, especially part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries.
Usage examples:
The equatorial regions
Meanings of Regional:
adjectiveRelating to or characteristic of a region.
Usage examples:
Regional and local needs
nounA stamp, newspaper, or other thing produced or used in a particular region.
Usage examples:
Findlay is more interested in local weekly papers than prestigious regionals such as the post.
Meanings of Regionalism:
nounThe theory or practice of regional rather than central systems of administration or economic, cultural, or political affiliation.
Usage examples:
A strong expression of regionalism
Meanings of Regionalisms:
nounA word or expression characteristic of a particular area
Usage examples:
"spider" is a new england regionalism for a type of frying pan.
Meanings of Regionalization:
nounThe way that an area of the world containing several countries becomes more economically or politically important than the particular countries within that area
Usage examples:
Economists have noted the increasing regionalization of different parts of the world into trade blo…
Meanings of Regionalize:
verbOrganize (a country, area, or enterprise) on a regional basis.
Usage examples:
They must regionalize their industries to remain competitive
Meanings of Regionalized:
verbOrganize (a country, area, or enterprise) on a regional basis.
Usage examples:
They must regionalize their industries to remain competitive
Meanings of Regionalizing:
verbOrganize (a country, area, or enterprise) on a regional basis.
Usage examples:
They must regionalize their industries to remain competitive
Meanings of Regionally:
adverbIn a way that relates to a region or regions.
Usage examples:
Regionally based services
Meanings of Regionals:
nounA stamp, newspaper, or other thing produced or used in a particular region.
Usage examples:
Findlay is more interested in local weekly papers than prestigious regionals such as the post.
adjectiveRelating to or characteristic of a region.
Usage examples:
Regional and local needs
Meanings of Regionary:
adjectiveRegional; of or relating to a region, especially an ecclesiastical region; specifically (chiefly roman history) of or relating to one of the regions into which ancient rome was divided.
nounIn the early church: a cleric or lay official attached to one of the ecclesiastical regions of rome, especially one with responsibility for the secular affairs of the region.
Meanings of Regioned:
adjectiveBelonging to or placed in a particular region.
Meanings of Regions:
nounAn area, especially part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries.
Usage examples:
The equatorial regions
Meanings of Regisseur:
nounA person who stages a theatrical production, especially a ballet.
Usage examples:
Dancers and choreographers, ballet masters and regisseurs do not take kindly to non-dancers control…
Meanings of Regisseurs:
nounA person who stages a theatrical production, especially a ballet.
Usage examples:
Dancers and choreographers, ballet masters and regisseurs do not take kindly to non-dancers control…
Meanings of Register:
nounAn official list or record of names or items.
Usage examples:
A membership register
verbShort for cash register.
Meanings of Registered:
adjectiveEntered or recorded on an official list or directory.
Usage examples:
A registered charity
verbEnter or record on an official list or directory.
Usage examples:
The vessel is registered as british
Meanings of Registered-trademark:
nounA trademark that is officially recorded by a government office
Meanings of Registerer:
nounA person, especially an official, who records something in a register; = "registrar".
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