All English words - page 4722
Meanings of Raptor:
nounA bird of prey, e.g. an eagle or hawk.
Usage examples:
They have also been known to steal prey from other raptors and to eat fresh carrion.
Meanings of Raptores:
nounOriginally: (in form raptores, with singular agreement) an order of birds comprising the birds of prey (now disused). now: (with plural agreement, usually in form raptores) members of the former order raptores; birds of prey, raptors.
Meanings of Raptorial:
adjective(of a bird or other animal) predatory.
Usage examples:
Raptorial birds
Meanings of Raptors:
nounA bird of prey, e.g. an eagle or hawk.
Usage examples:
They have also been known to steal prey from other raptors and to eat fresh carrion.
Meanings of Rapture:
nounA feeling of intense pleasure or joy.
Usage examples:
Leonora listened with rapture
verb(according to some millenarian teaching) transport (a believer) from earth to heaven at the second coming of christ.
Usage examples:
People will be raptured out of automobiles as they are driving along
Meanings of Raptured:
verb(according to some millenarian teaching) transport (a believer) from earth to heaven at the second coming of christ.
Usage examples:
People will be raptured out of automobiles as they are driving along
nounA feeling of intense pleasure or joy.
Usage examples:
Leonora listened with rapture
Meanings of Raptures:
nounA feeling of intense pleasure or joy.
Usage examples:
Leonora listened with rapture
verb(according to some millenarian teaching) transport (a believer) from earth to heaven at the second coming of christ.
Usage examples:
People will be raptured out of automobiles as they are driving along
phraseAn expression of extreme pleasure and happiness or excitement
Usage examples:
In raptures she was in raptures about/over her first visit to paris., go into raptures she went int…
Meanings of Rapturing:
verb(according to some millenarian teaching) transport (a believer) from earth to heaven at the second coming of christ.
Usage examples:
People will be raptured out of automobiles as they are driving along
nounA feeling of intense pleasure or joy.
Usage examples:
Leonora listened with rapture
Meanings of Rapturist:
nounA person who has or goes into raptures; an enthusiast.
Meanings of Rapturize:
verbTo praise rapturously; (with direct speech as object) to say in an ecstatic way.
ˈræp.tʃər.əsMeanings of Rapturous:
adjectiveCharacterized by, feeling, or expressing great pleasure or enthusiasm.
Usage examples:
He was greeted with rapturous applause
Meanings of Rapturously:
adverbIn a way that shows extreme pleasure and happiness or excitement
Usage examples:
She was rapturously received at the royal festival hall in london., he spoke rapturously about her …
Meanings of Raptus:
nounA seizure; a sudden or acute attack, especially of mental illness. also with distinguishing scientific latin word, as "raptus melancholicus", "raptus nervorum", etc.
Meanings of Rare:
adjective(of an event, situation, or condition) not occurring very often.
Usage examples:
A rare genetic disorder
Meanings of Rare-bird:
nounA breed of farm animal or bird that is kept mainly in order to stop the breed from disappearing, rather than to produce the maximum number of animals and make the maximum possible profit
Usage examples:
A wide collection of farm animals has been built up over the years including a number of rare breed…
Meanings of Rarebit:
nounA dish of melted and seasoned cheese on toast, sometimes with other ingredients.
Usage examples:
Make sure you try the smoked haddock rarebit with creamed leeks and smoked bacon.
Meanings of Rarebits:
nounA dish of melted and seasoned cheese on toast, sometimes with other ingredients.
Usage examples:
Make sure you try the smoked haddock rarebit with creamed leeks and smoked bacon.
Meanings of Rarefaction:
nounReduction in the density of something, especially air or a gas.
Usage examples:
Opposed processes such as rarefaction and condensation
Meanings of Rarefactional:
adjectiveOf, relating to, or characterized by rarefaction.
Meanings of Rarefied:
adjective(of air, especially that at high altitudes) of lower pressure than usual; thin.
Usage examples:
Every ounce carried counts triple when you're trudging uphill in rarefied air
verbMake or become less dense or solid.
Usage examples:
Air rarefies and degrounds the physical body
Meanings of Rarefier:
nounSomething that rarefies, especially an apparatus for pumping air out of a vessel.
Meanings of Rarefiers:
nounSomething that rarefies, especially an apparatus for pumping air out of a vessel.
Meanings of Rarefies:
verbMake or become less dense or solid.
Usage examples:
Air rarefies and degrounds the physical body
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